
From Eat Every Plant
Revision as of 03:18, 5 June 2017 by Keenan (talk | contribs) (Start article)
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Temporal range: Early Cretaceous - recent
Primulas aka.jpg
Primula hortensis, an eudicot
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clades (APG III)

The eudicots (see Eudicots) are a very large group of dicot plants. This group contains a large majority of the worlds food crops other than grains and palms (which are both monocots). Soybeans, tomatoes, potatoes, grapes, and apples are all in this category.


 basal eudicots (paraphyletic group: Ranunculales - barberries, poppies; Proteales - lotus; Trochodendrales; Buxales)


core eudicots

Gunnerales (Some Gunnera may be edible)


Dilleniaceae (none edible?)


Saxifragales (currant/gooseberry...?)


Vitales (grapes)

eurosids (apple, cassava, citrus, cucumber, legumes, mango, peanut...)


Santalales (FILL ME IN)

Berberidopsidales (FILL ME IN)

Caryophyllales (FILL ME IN)

asterids (chili, coffee, lettuce, olive, potato, sunflower, tea, tomato...)