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Erythranthe peregrina.jpg
E. peregrina in Scotland
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Phrymaceae
Genus: Erythranthe
(L.) G. L. Nesom
Type species
Erythranthe cardinalis (Douglas ex Benth.) Spach ≡Mimulus cardinalis Douglas ex Bentham[1] 1835[2]

Mimulus sect. Erythranthe (Spach) Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 108. 1885


Species alphabetically

E. alsinoides in Oregon
E. cardinalis in southern California
E. carsonensis in Nevada
E filicaulis in Sierra Nevada
E. guttata in Skagit County, Washington
E. lewisii in Mount Rainer National Park
E. primuloides in Washington
E. floribunda in southern California

This is a listing of Erythranthe per Tropicos in February 2017, unless listed as "newly discovered":[3]

Species sectionally

E. alsinoides in Oregon
E. rubella on Fossil Ridge, Blue Diamond Hill, Nevada
E. suksdorfii in Butte County, Idaho

In a 2014 paper, G. L. Nesom and N. S. Fraga placed Erythranthe members into the following 12 sections, unless listed as "newly discovered":[11]

  • Erythranthe sect. Simiolus
Erythranthe arenicola (Pennell) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe arvensis (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe brachystylis (Edwin) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe brevinasuta G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe caespitosa (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe calciphila (Gentry) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe charlestonensis G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe chinatiensis G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe corallina (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe cordata (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe decora (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe diminuens G.L.Nesom – newly discovered in 2017 and added to this list (Sonora, Mexico)[5]
Erythranthe dentiloba (B.L.Rob. & Fernald) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe filicifolia (Sexton, K.G.Ferris & Schoenig) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe geyeri (Torr.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe glabrata (Kunth) G.L.Nesom – roundleaf monkey-flower (widespread in North America, Mesoamerica and South America)
Erythranthe glaucescens (Greene) G.L.Nesom – shieldbract monkey-flower (California)
Erythranthe grandis (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe guttata (Fisch. ex DC.) G.L.Nesom – common large monkey-flower, common monkey-flower, stream monkey-flower, seep monkey-flower (AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, ID, MI, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, NY, OR, PA, SD, UT, WA, WY; Canada: BC, Yukon; Mexico to Guatemala; naturalized in Britain)
Erythranthe hallii (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe inamoena (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe laciniata (A.Gray) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe lagunensis G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe madrensis (Seem.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe marmorata (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe michiganensis (Pennell) G.L.Nesom – Michigan monkey-flower (Michigan)
Erythranthe microphylla (Benth.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe minima (C.Bohlen) J.M.Watson & A.R.Flores – (Michoacan, Mexico)[8]
Erythranthe minor (A. Nelson) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe nasuta (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe nudata (Curran ex Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe pallens (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe pardalis (Pennell) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe parvula (Wooton & Standl.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe pennellii (Gentry) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe percaulis G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe peregrina M. Vallejo-Marin – newly discovered 2012, originally named M. peregrinus (Scotland)
Erythranthe regni G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe scouleri (Hook.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe sookensis B.G. Benedict – originally named M. sookensis (British Columbia to northern California)[9]
Erythranthe thermalis (A. Nelson) G.L.Nesom – (Yellowstone National Park)
Erythranthe tilingii (Regel) G.L.Nesom – large mountain monkey-flower, Tiling's monkey-flower (Alaska to New Mexico)
Erythranthe unimaculata (Pennell) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe utahensis (Pennell) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe visibilis G.L.Nesom
    • (South America)
Erythranthe acaulis (Phil.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe andicola (Kunth) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe cuprea (Dombrain) G.L.NesomFlor de cobre (Eng: copper flower) (central and southern Chile)
Erythranthe depressa (Phil.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe lacerata (Pennell) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe lutea (L.) G.L.Nesom – yellow monkey-flower, monkey musk, blotched monkey-flower, and blood-drop-emlets (North and South America, naturalized in Britain)
Erythranthe lutea var. lutea
Erythranthe lutea var. variegata (Lodd.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe naiandina (J.M.Watson & C.Bohlen) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe parviflora (Lindl.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe pilosiuscula (Kunth) G.L.Nesom
  • Erythranthe sect. Erythranthe
Erythranthe cardinalis (Douglas ex Benth.) Spach – scarlet monkey-flower (southwestern United States and Baja California)
Erythranthe cinnabarina G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe eastwoodiae (Rydb.) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe erubescens G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe flammea
Erythranthe lewisii (Pursh) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – great purple monkey-flower, Lewis' monkey-flower (Alaska to California to Colorado)
Erythranthe nelsonii (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – In 2014 Nesom lists as a synonym of Erythranthe verbenacea
Erythranthe parishii (Greene) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – Parish's monkey-flower (southern California, western Nevada, Baja California)
Erythranthe rupestris (Greene) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe verbenacea (Greene) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga
  • Erythranthe sect. Mimulosma
Erythranthe ampliata (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe arenaria (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe austrolatidens G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe breviflora (Piper) G.L.Nesom – (British Columbia to California to Wyoming)
Erythranthe floribunda (Douglas ex Lindl.) G.L.Nesom – manyflowered monkey-flower (western Canada, Pacific Coast, Rocky Mountains, northern Mexico)
Erythranthe geniculata (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe hymenophylla (Meinke) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe inflatula (Suksd.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe inodora (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe jungermannioides (Suksd.) G.L.Nesom[7]
Erythranthe latidens (Greene) G.L.Nesom – broadtooth monkey-flower (southern California, Baja California)
Erythranthe moniliformis (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe moschata (Douglas ex Lindl.) G.L.Nesom – (North and South America, naturalized in Britain and Finland)
Erythranthe norrisii (Heckard & Shevock) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe patula (Pennell) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe pulsiferae (A.Gray) G.L.Nesom – candelabrum monkey-flower (Washington to northern California)
Erythranthe taylorii G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe trinitiensis G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe washingtonensis (Gand.) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe stolonifera (Novopokr.) G.L.Nesom – (Russia)[10]
  • Erythranthe sect. Achlyopitheca
Erythranthe acutidens (Greene) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe grayi (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom
Erythranthe inconspicua (A.Gray) G.L.Nesom – (syns. Mimulus acutidens and M. grayi)[6]
  • Erythranthe sect. Paradantha
Erythranthe androsacea (Curran ex Greene) N.S.Fraga – rockjasmine monkey-flower (California)
Erythranthe barbata (Greene) N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe calcicola N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe carsonensis N.S.Fraga – Carson Valley monkey-flower (California and Nevada)
Erythranthe diffusa (A.L.Grant) N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe discolor (A.L.Grant) N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe gracilipes (B.L.Rob.) N.S.Fraga – slenderstalk monkey-flower (California)
Erythranthe hardhamiae N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe montioides (A.Gray) N.S.Fraga – montia-like monkey-flower (California, Nevada)
Erythranthe palmeri (A.Gray) N.S.Fraga – Palmer's monkey-flower (central California south to Baja California)
Erythranthe purpurea (A.L.Grant) N.S.Fraga – little purple monkey-flower (southern California, Baja California)
Erythranthe rhodopetra N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe rubella (A.Gray) N.S.Fraga – little redstem monkey-flower (CA, NV, UT, WY, CO, NM, TX)
Erythranthe shevockii (Heckard & Bacig.) N.S.Fraga – Kelso Creek monkey-flower (Kern County, California)
Erythranthe sierrae N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe suksdorfii (A.Gray) N.S.Fraga – Suksdorf's monkey-flower and miniature monkey-flower (Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico)
  • Erythranthe sect. Monantha
Erythranthe linearifolia (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga
Erythranthe primuloides (Benth.) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – primrose monkey-flower (WA, OR, CA, ID, NV, UT, AZ, MT, NM)
  • Erythranthe sect. Monimanthe
Erythranthe bicolor (Hartw. ex Benth.) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – yellow and white monkey-flower (California)
Erythranthe breweri (Greene) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – Brewer's monkey-flower (British Columbia to California to Colorado)
Erythranthe filicaulis (S.Watson) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – slender-stemmed monkey-flower (California)
  • Erythranthe sect. Alsinimimulus
Erythranthe alsinoides (Douglas ex Benth.) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – chickweed monkey-flower (British Columbia to northern California)
  • Erythranthe sect. Simigemma
Erythranthe gemmipara (W.A.Weber) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – Rocky Mountain monkey-flower (Colorado)
  • Erythranthe sect. Exigua
Erythranthe exigua (A.Gray) G.L.Nesom & N.S.Fraga – San Bernardino Mountains monkey-flower (southern California, Baja California)
  • Erythranthe sect. Sinopitheca
Erythranthe bracteosa (P.C.Tsoong) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe bridgesii (Benth.) G.L.Nesom – (South America)
Erythranthe platyphylla (Franch.) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe sessilifolia (Maxim.) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe tibetica (P.C.Tsoong & H.P.Yang) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
  • Erythranthe sect. Mimulasia
Erythranthe dentata (Nutt. ex Benth.) G.L.Nesom – toothleaf monkey-flower, coastal monkey-flower (British Columbia to northern California)[4]
Erythranthe orizabae (Benth.) G.L.Nesom – (Mexico)[4]
Erythranthe bhutanica (Yamazaki) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe bodinieri (Vaniot) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe inflata (Miq.) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe karakormiana (Yamazaki) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe nepalensis (Benth.) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe procera (A.L.Grant) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe sinoalba G.L.Nesom – (Asia)[4]
Erythranthe szechuanensis (Pai) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)
Erythranthe tenella (Bunge) G.L.Nesom – (Asia)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Farr, E. R. and G. Zijlstra (eds.). "Index Nominum Genericorum (Plantarum) 1996". Smithsonian Institution. Retrieved 4 February 2017.
  2. "The International Plant Names Index". The International Plant Names Index. Retrieved 4 February 2016.
  3. "Erythranthe". Tropicos. February 2017. Retrieved 11 February 2017.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Nesom, G. L. (2011). "A New Species of Erythranthe (Phrymaceae) From China" (PDF). Phytoneuron. 7: 1–5. ISSN 2153-733X.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Nesom, G. L. (2017). "Erythranthe diminuens (Phrymaceae), a new species of sect. Simiolus from Sonora" (PDF). Phytoneuron. 7: 1–5. ISSN 2153-733X.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Nesom, G. L. (2012). "Taxonomic summary of Erythranthe sect. Achlyopitheca (Phrymaceae)" (PDF). Phytoneuron. 42: 1–4. ISSN 2153-733X.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Erythranthe jungermannioides (Suksd.) G.L. Nesom" (PDF). Washington Department of Natural Resources. Retrieved 25 February 2017.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Pérez, Emmanuel; Zamudio, Sergio (2011). "A new species of Mimulus L. (section Simiolus, Phrymaceae) in the northeastern part of Michoacan state, Mexico". Acta botánica Mexicana. 97 (1): 31–37.
  9. 9.0 9.1 Nesom, Guy L. (2013). "The Taxonomic Status of Mimulus sookensis (Phrymaceae) and Comments on Related Aspects of Biology in Species of Erythranthe" (PDF). Phytoneuron. 69: 1–18. ISSN 2153-733X.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Nesom, G. L. (2012). "Taxonomy of Erythranthe sect. Mimulosma (Phrymaceae)" (PDF). Phytoneuron. 41: 1–36. ISSN 2153-733X.
  11. Nesom, G. L.; Fraga, N. S. (2014). "Distribution Maps (Erythranthe)" (PDF). Mimulus Taxonomy. Retrieved 14 February 2017.