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local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs

function p._main(args) local ret = {} local hasUnsc = {} local j = 0

for i, v in ipairs(args) do -- Compatibility: Ignore arguments that only contain an apostrophe if v and v ~= and v ~= "'" then hasUnsc[i] = mw.ustring.find(v, '_') if hasUnsc[i] then v = mw.ustring.gsub(v, '_', ' ') else if mw.ustring.find(v, '%u') and v == mw.ustring.upper(v) then local span = mw.html.create('span') :css('font-size', '90%') :wikitext(v) v = tostring(span) end if i ~= 1 and not hasUnsc[i - 1] and v ~= '-' then table.insert(ret, '-') end end table.insert(ret, v) end j = i end

-- Create ... local italic = mw.html.create('i') :attr('title', 'English pronunciation respelling') :wikitext(table.concat(ret)) ret = tostring(italic)

-- For documentation: Disable linking by adding a blank parameter at the end if args[j] ~= then ret = string.format('%s', ret) end

return ret end

function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame, {removeBlanks = false}) return p._main(args) end

return p