
From Eat Every Plant
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local p = {}

local specialParams = { ['$B'] = 'template content', }

p[] = function ( frame ) if not frame:getParent() then error( 'Lua error at line 12: <strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-0">Lua error in mw.lua at line 518: no template content specified (use parameter &#039;$B&#039; from #invoke).</span></strong> requires parameter $B (template content). makes no sense without a parent frame' ) end if not frame.args['$B'] then error( 'Lua error at line 12: <strong class="error"><span class="scribunto-error" id="mw-scribunto-error-0">Lua error in mw.lua at line 518: no template content specified (use parameter &#039;$B&#039; from #invoke).</span></strong> requires parameter $B (template content). requires parameter $B (template content)' ) end

if mw.isSubsting() then ---- substing -- Combine passed args with passed defaults local args = {} for k, v in pairs( frame.args ) do if not specialParams[k] then if v == '__DATE__' then v = mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate( 'F Y' ) end args[k] = v end end for k, v in pairs( frame:getParent().args ) do args[k] = v end

-- Build an equivalent template invocation -- First, find the title to use local titleobj = local title if titleobj.namespace == 10 then -- NS_TEMPLATE title = titleobj.text elseif titleobj.namespace == 0 then -- NS_MAIN title = ':' .. titleobj.text else title = titleobj.prefixedText end

-- Build the invocation body with numbered args first, then named local ret = '{{' .. title for k, v in ipairs( args ) do if string.find( v, '=', 1, true ) then -- likely something like 1=foo=bar, we need to do it as a named arg break end ret = ret .. '|' .. v args[k] = nil end for k, v in pairs( args ) do ret = ret .. '|' .. k .. '=' .. v end

return ret .. '}}' else ---- Not substing -- Just return the "body" return frame.args['$B'] end end

return p