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{{Automatic taxobox
#redirect [[:Category:Syzygium]]
|image =Starr 070321-6132 Syzygium malaccense.jpg
|image_caption = ''[[Syzygium malaccense]]''
|display_parents = 2
|parent_authority =
|taxon = Syzygium
|authority = [[Robert Brown (Scottish botanist from Montrose)|R.Br.]] ex [[Joseph Gaertner|Gaertn.]]<ref name="GRIN">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/genus.pl?11821 |title=Genus: ''Syzygium'' R. Br. ex Gaertn.  |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |publisher=United States Department of Agriculture |date=2009-01-27 |accessdate=2011-01-26}}</ref>
|subdivision_ranks = Species
|subdivision = About 1100; see text
|synonyms =
  {{Collapsible list |{{Plainlist | style = margin-left: 1em; text-indent: -1em; |
* ''Acicalyptus'' <small>A. Gray</small>
* ''Acmena'' <small>DC.</small>
* ''Acmenosperma'' <small>Kausel</small>
* ''Anetholea'' <small>Peter G. Wilson</small>
* ''Aphanomyrtus'' <small>Miq.</small>
* ''Bostrychode'' <small>(Miq.) O. Berg in C. F. P. von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.)</small>
* ''Caryophyllus'' <small>L.</small>
* ''Cerocarpus'' <small>Colebr. ex Hassk.</small>
* ''Cetra'' <small>Noronha</small>
* ''Clavimyrtus'' <small>Blume</small>
* ''Cleistocalyx'' <small>Blume</small>
* ''Cupheanthus'' <small>Seem.</small>
* ''Gaslondia'' <small>Vieill.</small>
* ''Gelpkea'' <small>Blume</small>
* ''Jambolifera'' <small>Houtt.</small>
* ''Jambos'' <small>Adans.</small>
* ''Jambosa'' <small>DC.</small> nom. illeg.
* ''Leptomyrtus'' <small>(Miq.) O. Berg in C. F. P. von Martius & auct. suc. (eds.)</small>
* ''Lomastelma'' <small>Raf.</small>
* ''Macromyrtus'' <small>Miq.</small>
* ''Macropsidium'' <small>Blume</small>
* ''Malidra'' <small>Raf.</small>
* ''Microjambosa'' <small>Blume</small>
* ''Myrthoides'' <small>Wolf</small>
* ''Opa'' <small>Lour.</small>
* ''Pareugenia'' <small>Turrill</small>
* ''Piliocalyx'' <small>Brongn. & Gris</small>{{cn|date=January 2017}}
* ''Pseudoeugenia'' <small>Scort.</small>
* ''Strongylocalyx'' <small>Blume</small>
* ''Syllisium'' <small>Endl.</small>
* ''Syllysium'' <small>Meyen & Schauer</small>
* ''Tetraeugenia'' <small>Merr.</small>
* ''Waterhousea'' <small>B.Hyland</small>
* ''Xenodendron'' <small>K.Schum. & Lauterb.</small>
|synonyms_ref = <ref>{{cite web |url=http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/synonomy.do?name_id=199154 |title=WCSP |work= World Checklist of Selected Plant Families |accessdate=March 8, 2014}}</ref>
[[File:Syzygium oleosum.jpg|''[[Syzygium paniculatum]]'' (magenta lilly pilly)|thumb]]
[[File:Wax apple.png|thumb|''[[Syzygium samarangense]]'', with a cross section of the fruit]]
[[File:Jaam fruit.jpg|thumb|A cultivated white ''Syzygium'']]
'''''Syzygium''''' is a [[genus]] of [[flowering plant]]s that belongs to the [[Myrtus|myrtle]] family, [[Myrtaceae]]. The genus comprises about 1200–1800 species,<ref name=FOC>{{citation |chapter-url= http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=132166 |title=Flora of China Online |accessdate=3 May 2015 |volume=13 |chapter=''Syzygium'' P. Browne ex Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl. 1: 166. 1788 |author= Jie Chen and Lyn A. Craven}}</ref><ref name="SYZWG 2016">{{cite journal |last1=Ahmad |first1=Berhaman|last2=Baider|first2=Cláudia|last3=Bernardini|first3=Benedetta|last4=Biffin|first4=Edward|last5=Brambach|first5=Fabian|last6=Burslem|first6=David|last7=Byng|first7=James W. |last8=Christenhusz |first8=Maarten J.M.|last9=Florens|first9=F.B. Vincent|last10=Lucas|first10=Eve J. |last11=Ray|first11=Avik|last12=Ray|first12=Rajasri|last13=Smets|first13=Erik|last14=Snow|first14=Neil W.|last15=Strijk|first15=Joeri S.|last16=Wilson|first16=Peter G.|title=Syzygium (Myrtaceae): Monographing a taxonomic giant via 22 coordinated regional revisions|journal=PeerJ Preprints 4:e1930v1|date=2016|doi=10.7287/peerj.preprints.1930v1|url=https://peerj.com/preprints/1930/?td=wk|accessdate=6 April 2016}}</ref> and has a native range that extends from [[Africa]] and [[Madagascar]] through southern [[Asia]] east through the [[Pacific Ocean|Pacific]].<ref name=Tuiwawa~2013~Vanuatu>{{Cite journal | last1= Tuiwawa | first1= S. H. | last2= Craven | first2= L. A. | last3= Sam | first3= C. | last4= Crisp | first4= M. D. | date= 23 August 2013 | title= The genus ''Syzygium'' (Myrtaceae) in Vanuatu | journal= Blumea | volume= 58 | pages= 53–67 | url= http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nhn/blumea/pre-prints/content-nhn_00065196_227 | format= PDF (free) | accessdate= 29 Sep 2013 | doi=10.3767/000651913x672271}}</ref> Its highest levels of diversity occur from [[Malaysia]] to northeastern [[Australia]], where many species are very poorly known and many more have not been described taxonomically.
Most species are [[evergreen]] [[tree]]s and [[shrub]]s. Several species are grown as ornamental plants for their attractive glossy foliage, and a few produce edible fruit that are eaten fresh or used in jams and jellies. The most economically important species, however, is the [[clove]] ''Syzygium aromaticum'', of which the unopened [[flower]] buds are an important [[spice]]. Some of the edible species of ''Syzygium'' are planted throughout the tropics worldwide, and several have become [[invasive species]] in some island ecosystems. Several species of ''Syzygium'' bear fruit that are edible for humans, many of which are named "roseapple". Fifty-two species are found in Australia and are generally known as '''lillipillies''', '''brush cherries''' or '''satinash'''.<ref name=W&F>{{cite book | last = Wrigley  | first = John W. | author-link = | last2 = Fagg | first2 = Murray A. | author2-link =| title = Australian native plants: cultivation, use in landscaping and propagation | publisher = Reed New Holland | edition = Fifth | year = 2003 | location = Australia | pages = 696 | isbn = 1876334908}}</ref>
At times ''Syzygium'' was confused taxonomically with the genus ''[[Eugenia]]'' (ca. 1000 species), but the latter genus has its highest specific diversity in the [[neotropics]].  Many species formerly classed as ''Eugenia'' are now included in the genus ''Syzygium'', although the former name may persist in horticulture.<ref name=W&F/>  The Syzygium Working Group, an international group of researchers, formed in April 2016 with the aim to produce a [[monograph]] of ''Syzygium''.<ref name="SYZWG 2016"/>
==Selected species==
[[File:Syzygium cauliflory.jpg|thumb|An Australian rainforest ''Syzygium'' exhibits [[cauliflory]]]]
[[File:Syzygium cumini.jpg|thumb|''[[Syzygium cumini]]'' in [[Kohat]] [[Pakistan]]]]
Species include:<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl1.1/search?q=syzygium|title=The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species |accessdate = 19 January 2014}}</ref>
* ''[[Syzygium alliiligneum]]'' – Onionwood ([[Queensland]])
* ''[[Syzygium amplifolium]]''
* ''[[Syzygium andamanicum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium anisatum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium anisosepalum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium angophoroides]]''
* ''[[Syzygium antisepticum]]''  – Shore eugenia
* ''[[Syzygium aqueum]]'' – [[Water apple]], bell fruit, water cherry, watery rose apple
* ''[[Syzygium aromaticum]]'' – [[Clove]]
* ''[[Syzygium australe]]'' – Brush cherry (Australia)
* ''[[Syzygium beddomei]]''
* ''[[Syzygium bourdillonii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium canicortex]]'' – Yellow satinash ([[Queensland]])
* ''[[Syzygium caryophyllatum]]'' (type species)
* ''[[Syzygium chavaran]]''
* ''[[Syzygium conglomeratum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium cordatum]]'' – Hute, waterbessie, umdoni, water berry, umSwi
* ''[[Syzygium cordifolium]]''
* ''[[Syzygium cormiflorum]]'' – Bumpy satinash
* ''[[Syzygium corynanthum]]'' – Sour cherry
* ''[[Syzygium corynocarpa]]'' <small>(A.Gray) C.Muell.</small><!-- Micronesica40:169. -->
* ''[[Syzygium courtallense]]''
* ''[[Syzygium crebrinerve]]'' – Purple cherry, black water gum
* ''[[Syzygium cumini]]'' <small>(L.) Skeels</small> – [[Jambul]], [[Jambolan]], Black plum, Damson plum, Duhat plum, Jambolan plum, Portuguese plum
* ''[[Syzygium curranii]]'' – [[Lipote]]
* ''[[Syzygium densiflorum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium diffusum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium discophorum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium duthieanum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium dyerianum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium erythrocalyx]]'' – Johnstones River satinash, Red Bud satinash
* ''[[Syzygium eucalyptoides]]''
* ''[[Syzygium fergusonii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium fibrosum]]'' – Fibrous satinash
* ''[[Syzygium fijiense]]''
* ''[[Syzygium flosculiferum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium forte]]'' – [[White Apple]]
* ''[[Syzygium francisii]]'' – Giant water gum, rose satinash
* ''[[Syzygium fullagarii]]'' ([[Lord Howe Island]])
* ''[[Syzygium glaucum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium gracilipes]]''<!-- Micronesica40:169. -->
* ''[[Syzygium graeme-andersoniae]]''
* ''[[Syzygium grande]]''  – Sea apple
* ''[[Syzygium guehoi]]''
* ''[[Syzygium gustavioides]]'' – Grey satinash
* ''[[Syzygium guineense]]'' – Waterberry
* ''[[Syzygium hodgkinsoniae]]'' – Red lilly pilly, smooth-barked rose apple ([[Australia]])
* ''[[Syzygium jambos]]'' <small>(L.) Alston</small> – Roseapple, Malabar plum, plum rose, rose apple, water apple
* ''[[Syzygium jasminifolium]]''
* ''[[Syzygium kemamanense]]''
* ''[[Syzygium kiahii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium koordersianum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium kuranda]]'' – Kuranda satinash
* ''[[Syzygium leucoxylon]]''
* ''[[Syzygium luehmannii]]'' – [[Riberry]], cherry satinash
* ''[[Syzygium maire]]''
* ''[[Syzygium makul]]''
* ''[[Syzygium malaccense]]'' <small>(L.) Merr. & L.M.Perry</small> – [[Malay Apple]], [[Malacca apple]], Malay rose apple, mountain apple, Otaheite cashew, rose apple, water apple
* ''[[Syzygium manii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium maingayi]]''
* ''[[Syzygium megacarpum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium micranthum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium microphyllum]]'' (''Syzygium gambleanum'' is an illegitimate synonym)
* ''[[Syzygium minus]]''
* ''[[Syzygium moorei]]'' – Coolamon, durobby
* ''[[Syzygium myhendrae]]''
* ''[[Syzygium neesianum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium nemestrinum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium nervosum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium occidentale]]''
* ''[[Syzygium oleosum]]'' – [[Blue lilly pilly]]
* ''[[Syzygium oliganthum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium oreophilum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium palghatense]]''
* ''[[Syzygium paniculatum]]'' – Magenta lillypilly, magenta cherry (Australia)
* ''[[Syzygium parameswaranii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium patentinerve]]'' (endemic to [[Savai'i]] & [[Upolu]] islands in [[Samoa]])<ref>{{cite journal|last=Whistler|first=W. Arthur|year=1978 |title=Vegetation of the Montane Region of Savai'i, Western Samoa|journal=Pacific Science|publisher=The University Press of Hawai'i|volume=32 |issue=1|page=90|url=http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10125/1423/1/v32n1-79-94.pdf|accessdate=10 July 2010}}</ref>
* ''[[Syzygium papyraceum]]'' – Paperbark satinash ([[Australia]])
* ''[[Syzygium pauper]]''
* ''[[Syzygium pendens]]''
* ''[[Syzygium perakense]]''
* ''[[Syzygium pergamentaceum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium phaeophyllum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium politum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium polyanthum]]'' <small>(Wight) Walp.</small> – Indian bay leaf, Indonesian bay leaf, Salam leaf, daun salam, Indonesian laurel
* ''[[Syzygium pondoense]]''
* ''[[Syzygium praineanum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium pseudofastigiatum]]'' ([[Australia]])
* ''[[Syzygium purpureum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium quadrangulatum]]'' <small>(A.Gray) Merr. & L.M.Perry</small><!-- Micronesica40:169. -->
* ''[[Syzygium quadribracteatum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium ramavarmae]]''
* ''[[Syzygium revolutum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium richii]]'' <small>(A.Gray) Merr. & L.M.Perry</small><!-- Micronesica40:169. -->
* ''[[Syzygium ridleyi]]''
* ''[[Syzygium rotundifolium]]''
* ''[[Syzygium samarangense]]'' <small>(Blume) Merr. & L. M. Perry</small> – [[Java apple]], [[makopa]], Java rose apple, Samarang rose apple, water apple, wax jambu, [[wax apple]]
* ''[[Syzygium sandwicensis]]'' <small>(A.Gray) [[Franz Josef Niedenzu|Nied.]]</small> – {{okina}}Ōhi{{okina}}a ha<ref>{{cite journal |url=http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/forestry/trees/CommonTreesHI/CFT_Eugenia_sandwicensis.pdf |format=[[PDF]] |title=‘Ōhi‘a ha |first=Elbert L. |last=Little Jr. |author2=Roger G. Skolmen  |publisher=[[United States Forest Service]] |year=1989}}</ref>
* ''[[Syzygium scortechinii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium seemannianum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium seemannii]]'' <small>(A.Gray) Biffin & Craven</small><!-- Micronesica40:169. -->
* ''[[Syzygium smithii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium spathulatum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium stapfianum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium stocksii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium suborbiculare]]'' – [[Lady apple]]
* ''[[Syzygium symingtonianum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium syzygioides]]'' <small>(Miq.) Merr. & L.M.Perry</small><ref name="Catalogue of Life">{{cite web |url=http://www.catalogueoflife.org/col/details/species/id/9731130 | title=Catalogue of Life |authors=Roskov Y., Kunze T., Paglinawan L., Orrell T., Nicolson D., Culham A., Bailly N., Kirk P., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Hernandez F., De Wever A. |publisher=Species 2000: Reading, UK. |date=22 July 2013}}</ref>
* ''[[Syzygium tahanense]]''
* ''[[Syzygium tierneyanum]]'' – Bamaga satinash
* ''[[Syzygium travancoricum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium tripinnatum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium turbinatum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium umbrosum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium utilis]]''
* ''[[Syzygium variolosum]]''
* ''[[Syzygium wesa]]''
* ''[[Syzygium wilsonii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium wolfii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium wrayi]]''
* ''[[Syzygium wrightii]]''
* ''[[Syzygium xerampelinum]]'' ([[Australia]])
* ''[[Syzygium zeylanicum]]'' – Smaich ([[Cambodia]])
===Formerly placed in this genus===
* ''[[Waterhousea floribunda]]'' <small>(F.Muell.) B.Hyland</small> (as ''S. floribundum'' <small>F.Muell.</small>)<ref name="GRINSpecies">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/splist.pl?11821 |title=GRIN Species Records of ''Syzygium'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |publisher=United States Department of Agriculture |accessdate=2011-01-26}}</ref>
== See also ==
* {{Portal-inline|Trees}}
{{Reflist | 27em}}
* {{Cite journal | last1= Craven | first1= Lyndley A. | authorlink= Lyndley Craven | last2= Biffin | first2= E. | date= April 2010 | title= An infrageneric classification of ''Syzygium'' (Myrtaceae) | journal= Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants | volume= 55 | issue= 1 | pages= 94–99 | url= http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/nhn/blumea/2010/00000055/00000001/art00016 | accessdate= 3 Aug 2013 | doi=10.3767/000651910x499303}}
==External links==
{{commons category}}
* [http://www.crfg.org/pubs/fl/S.html CRFG.org]
* [http://www.plantnames.unimelb.edu.au/Sorting/Syzygium.html Unimelb.edu.au]
[[Category:Syzygium| ]]
[[Category:Garden plants of Australia]]
[[Category:Myrtales of Australia]]
[[Category:Trees of Australia]]

Latest revision as of 16:45, 4 November 2017

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