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require('Module:No globals')
require('Module:No globals')
local function getCatForId( id )
local p = {}
    local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
    local namespace = title.namespace
    if namespace == 0 then
--[[                            Category functions                            ]]
        return '[[Category:Wikipedia articles with ' .. id .. ' identifiers]]'
    elseif namespace == 2 and not title.isSubpage then
        return '[[Category:User pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers]]'
function p.getCatForId( id )
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
        return '[[Category:Miscellaneous pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers]]'
local namespace = title.namespace
local catName = ''
if namespace == 0 then
catName = 'Wikipedia articles with ' .. id .. ' identifiers'
elseif namespace == 2 and not title.isSubpage then
catName = 'User pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers'
catName = 'Miscellaneous pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers'
return '[[Category:' .. catName .. ']]' .. p.redCatLink(catName)
local function viafLink( id )
function p.redCatLink( catName ) --catName == 'Blah', not 'Category:Blah', not '[[Category:Blah]]'
    if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
if catName and catName ~= '' and mw.title.new(catName, 14).exists == false then
        return false
return '[[Category:Pages with red-linked authority control categories]]'
    return '[https://viaf.org/viaf/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'VIAF' )
return ''
local function kulturnavLink( id )
    return '[http://kulturnav.org/language/en/' .. id .. ' id]'  
--[[                      Property formatting functions                      ]]
function p.iaafLink( id )
--P1146's format regex: [1-9][0-9]* (e.g. 123)
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then
return false
return '[https://www.iaaf.org/athletes/biographies/athcode=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'IAAF' )
local function sikartLink( id )
function p.viafLink( id )
    return '[http://www.sikart.ch/KuenstlerInnen.aspx?id=' .. id .. '&lng=en ' .. id .. ']'  
--P214's format regex: [1-9]\d(\d{0,7}|\d{17,20}) (e.g. 123456789, 1234567890123456789012)
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[https://viaf.org/viaf/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'VIAF' )
local function tlsLink( id )
function p.kulturnavLink( id )
local id2 = mw.ustring.gsub(id, '%s', function(s) return mw.uri.encode(s, 'WIKI') end)
--P1248's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB)
    return '[http://tls.theaterwissenschaft.ch/wiki/' .. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
if not string.match( id, '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then
return false
return '[http://kulturnav.org/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'KULTURNAV' )
function p.sikartLink( id )
--P781's format regex: \d{7,9} (e.g. 123456789)
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[http://www.sikart.ch/KuenstlerInnen.aspx?id=' .. id .. '&lng=en ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'SIKART' )
local function ciniiLink( id )
function p.tlsLink( id )
    return '[http://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/' .. id .. '?l=en ' .. id .. ']'  
local id2 = id:gsub(' +', '_')
--P1362's format regex: \p{Lu}[\p{L}\d_',\.\-\(\)\*/–]{3,59} (e.g. Abcd)
local class = "[%a%d_',%.%-%(%)%*/–]"
local regex = "^%u" .. string.rep(class, 3) .. string.rep(class.."?", 56) .. "$"
if not mw.ustring.match( id2, regex ) then
return false
return '[http://tls.theaterwissenschaft.ch/wiki/' .. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'TLS' )
local function bneLink( id )
function p.ciniiLink( id )
    return '[http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
--P271's format regex: DA\d{7}[\dX] (e.g. DA12345678)
if not string.match( id, '^DA%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then
return false
return '[https://ci.nii.ac.jp/author/' .. id .. '?l=en ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'CINII' )
function p.bneLink( id )
local function uscongressLink( id )
--P950's format regex: (XX|FF|a)\d{4,7}|(bima|bimo|bica|bis[eo]|bivi|Mise|Mimo|Mima)\d{10} (e.g. XX1234567)
    return '[http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
if not string.match( id, '^[XF][XF]%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^a%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^bi[mcsv][aoei]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^Mi[sm][eoa]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[http://catalogo.bne.es/uhtbin/authoritybrowse.cgi?action=display&authority_id=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'BNE' )
local function narapersonLink( id )
function p.uscongressLink( id )
    return '[https://research.archives.gov/person/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
--P1157's format regex: [A-Z]00[01]\d{3} (e.g. A000123)
if not string.match( id, '^[A-Z]00[01]%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'USCongress' )
local function naraorganizationLink( id )
function p.naraLink( id )
    return '[https://research.archives.gov/organization/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
--P1225's format regex: ^([1-9]\d{0,7})$ (e.g. 12345678)
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[https://catalog.archives.gov/id/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'NARA' )
local function botanistLink( id )
function p.botanistLink( id )
local id2 = mw.ustring.gsub(id, '%s', function(s) return mw.uri.encode(s, 'PATH') end)
--P428's format regex: ('t )?(d')?(de )?(la )?(van (der )?)?(Ma?c)?(De)?(Di)?\p{Lu}?C?['\p{Ll}]*([-'. ]*(van )?(y )?(d[ae][nr]?[- ])?(Ma?c)?[\p{Lu}bht]?C?['\p{Ll}]*)*\.? ?f?\.? (e.g. L.)
    return '[http://www.ipni.org/ipni/advAuthorSearch.do?find_abbreviation=' .. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
--not easily/meaningfully implementable in Lua's regex since "(this)?" is not allowed...
if not mw.ustring.match( id, "^[%u%l%d%. '-]+$" ) then --better than nothing
return false
local id2 = id:gsub(' +', '%%20')
return '[http://www.ipni.org/ipni/advAuthorSearch.do?find_abbreviation=' .. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'Botanist' )
local function mgpLink( id )
function p.mgpLink( id )
    -- TODO Implement some sanity checking regex
--P549's format regex: \d{1,6} (e.g. 123456)
    return '[http://www.genealogy.ams.org/id.php?id=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[http://www.genealogy.ams.org/id.php?id=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'MGP' )
local function rslLink( id )
function p.rslLink( id )
    -- TODO Implement some sanity checking regex
--P947's format regex: \d{1,9} (e.g. 123456789)
    return '[http://aleph.rsl.ru/F?func=find-b&find_code=SYS&adjacent=Y&local_base=RSL11&request=' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']'
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[http://aleph.rsl.ru/F?func=find-b&find_code=SYS&adjacent=Y&local_base=RSL11&request=' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'RSL' )
local function leonoreLink( id )
function p.leonoreLink( id )
-- Identifiants allant de LH/1/1 à LH/2794/54 (légionnaires)
--P640's format regex: LH/\d{1,4}/\d{1,3}|19800035/\d{1,4}/\d{1,5}(Bis)?|C/0/\d{1,2} (e.g. LH/2064/18)
-- Identifiants allant de C/0/1 à C/0/84 (84 légionnaires célèbres)
if not id:match( '^LH/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?$' ) and             --IDs from      LH/1/1 to        LH/2794/54 (legionaries)
-- Identifiants allant de 19800035/1/1 à 19800035/385/51670 (légionnaires décédés entre 1954 et 1977, et quelques dossiers de légionnaires décédés avant 1954)
  not id:match( '^19800035/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and --IDs from 19800035/1/1 to 19800035/385/51670 (legionnaires who died 1954-1977 & some who died < 1954)
    if not string.match( id, '^LH/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?$' ) and
  not id:match( '^C/0/%d%d?$' ) then                         --IDs from        C/0/1 to            C/0/84 (84 famous legionaries)
      not string.match( id, '^C/0/%d%d?$' ) and
return false
  not string.match( id, '^19800035/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
        return false
return '[http://www.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/leonore_fr?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIELD_1=COTE&VALUE_1=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'Léonore' )
    return '[http://www.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/leonore_fr?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIELD_1=COTE&VALUE_1=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
local function sbnLink( id )
function p.sbnLink( id )
    if not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%u%u[%d%u]%u\\%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
--P396's format regex: IT\\ICCU\\(\d{10}|\D\D[\D\d]\D\\\d{6}) (e.g. IT\ICCU\CFIV\000163)
        return false
if not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%u%u[%u%d]%u\\%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then --legacy: %u used here instead of %D (but the faulty ID cat is empty, out of ~12k uses)
    return '[http://opac.sbn.it/opacsbn/opac/iccu/scheda_authority.jsp?bid=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'SBN' )
return false
return '[http://opac.sbn.it/opacsbn/opac/iccu/scheda_authority.jsp?bid=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'SBN' )
local function nkcLink( id )
function p.nkcLink( id )
return '[http://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=find-c&local_base=aut&ccl_term=ica=' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']'  
--P691's format regex: [a-z]{2,4}[0-9]{2,14} (e.g. abcd12345678901234)
if not string.match( id, '^[a-z][a-z][a-z]?[a-z]?%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[https://aleph.nkp.cz/F/?func=find-c&local_base=aut&ccl_term=ica=' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'NKC' )
local function nclLink( id )
function p.nclLink( id )
    if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
--P1048's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1081436)
        return false
if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
return false
    return '[http://aleweb.ncl.edu.tw/F/?func=accref&acc_sequence=' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']'  
return '[http://aleweb.ncl.edu.tw/F/?func=accref&acc_sequence=' .. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'NCL' )
local function ndlLink( id )
function p.ndlLink( id )
return '[http://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
--P349's format regex: 0?\d{8} (e.g. 012345678)
if not string.match( id, '^0?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[https://id.ndl.go.jp/auth/ndlna/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'NDL' )
local function sudocLink( id )
function p.sudocLink( id )
    if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dxX]$' ) then
--P269's format regex: (\d{8}[\dX]|) (e.g. 026927608)
        return false
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dxX]$' ) then --legacy: allow lowercase 'x'
return false
    return '[https://www.idref.fr/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']'  
return '[https://www.idref.fr/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'SUDOC' )
local function hlsLink( id )
function p.hdsLink( id )
    if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
--P902's format regex: 50\d{3}|[1-4]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}| (e.g. 50123)
        return false
if not string.match( id, '^50%d%d%d$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^[1-4]%d%d%d%d$' ) and
    return '[http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/f/F' .. id .. '.php ' .. id .. ']'
  not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[http://www.hls-dhs-dss.ch/textes/f/F' .. id .. '.php ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'HDS' )
local function lirLink( id )
function p.lirLink( id )
    if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
--P886's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1)
        return false
if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
return false
    return '[http://www.e-lir.ch/e-LIR___Lexicon.' .. id .. '.450.0.html ' .. id .. ']'
return '[http://www.e-lir.ch/e-LIR___Lexicon.' .. id .. '.450.0.html ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'LIR' )
local function splitLccn( id )
function p.splitLccn( id )
    if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then
--P244's format regex: (n|nb|nr|no|ns|sh)([4-9][0-9]|00|20[0-1][0-9])[0-9]{6} (e.g. n78039510)
        id = id:gsub( '^(%l+)(%d+)(%d%d%d%d%d%d)$', '%1/%2/%3' )
if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then
id = id:gsub( '^(%l+)(%d+)(%d%d%d%d%d%d)$', '%1/%2/%3' )
    if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?/%d%d%d?%d?/%d+$' ) then
        return mw.text.split( id, '/' )
if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?/%d%d%d?%d?/%d+$' ) then
return mw.text.split( id, '/' )
    return false
return false
local function append(str, c, length)
function p.append(str, c, length)
    while str:len() < length do
while str:len() < length do
        str = c .. str
str = c .. str
    return str
return str
local function lccnLink( id )
function p.lccnLink( id )
    local parts = splitLccn( id )
local parts = p.splitLccn( id ) --e.g. n78039510
    if not parts then
if not parts then
        return false
return false
    local lccnType = parts[1] ~= 'sh' and 'names' or 'subjects'
local lccnType = parts[1] ~= 'sh' and 'names' or 'subjects'
    id = parts[1] .. parts[2] .. append( parts[3], '0', 6 )
id = parts[1] .. parts[2] .. p.append( parts[3], '0', 6 )
    return '[http://id.loc.gov/authorities/' .. lccnType .. '/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'LCCN' )
return '[http://id.loc.gov/authorities/' .. lccnType .. '/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'LCCN' )
local function mbLink( id )
function p.mbaLink( id )
    -- TODO Implement some sanity checking regex
--P434's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB)
    return '[//musicbrainz.org/artist/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz' )
if not string.match( id, '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then
return false
return '[https://musicbrainz.org/artist/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz' )
--Returns the ISNI check digit isni must be a string where the 15 first elements are digits
--Returns the ISNI check digit isni must be a string where the 15 first elements are digits, e.g. 0000000066534145
local function getIsniCheckDigit( isni )
function p.getIsniCheckDigit( isni )
    local total = 0
local total = 0
    for i = 1, 15 do
for i = 1, 15 do
        local digit = isni:byte( i ) - 48 --Get integer value
local digit = isni:byte( i ) - 48 --Get integer value
        total = (total + digit) * 2
total = (total + digit) * 2
    local remainder = total % 11
local remainder = total % 11
    local result = (12 - remainder) % 11
local result = (12 - remainder) % 11
    if result == 10 then
if result == 10 then
        return "X"
return "X"
    return tostring( result )
return tostring( result )
--Validate ISNI (and ORCID) and retuns it as a 16 characters string or returns false if it's invalid
--Validate ISNI (and ORCID) and retuns it as a 16 characters string or returns false if it's invalid
--See http://support.orcid.org/knowledgebase/articles/116780-structure-of-the-orcid-identifier
--See http://support.orcid.org/knowledgebase/articles/116780-structure-of-the-orcid-identifier
local function validateIsni( id )
function p.validateIsni( id )
    id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', '' ):upper()
--P213 (ISNI) format regex: [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{3}[0-9X] (e.g. 0000-0000-6653-4145)
    if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then
--P496 (ORCID) format regex: 0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])\d{3}-\d{3}[\dX] (e.g. 0000-0002-7398-5483)
        return false
id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', '' ):upper()
if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then
    if getIsniCheckDigit( id ) ~= string.char( id:byte( 16 ) ) then
return false
        return false
if p.getIsniCheckDigit( id ) ~= string.char( id:byte( 16 ) ) then
    return id
return false
return id
function p.isniLink( id )
id = p.validateIsni( id ) --e.g. 0000-0000-6653-4145
if not id then
return false
return '[http://isni.org/isni/' .. id .. ' ' .. id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. ' '  .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. ' '  .. id:sub( 13, 16 ) .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'ISNI' )
function p.orcidLink( id )
id = p.validateIsni( id ) --e.g. 0000-0002-7398-5483
if not id then
return false
id = id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. '-'  .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. '-'  .. id:sub( 13, 16 )
return '[https://orcid.org/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'ORCID' )
function p.gndLink( id )
--P227's format regex: (1|1[01])\d{7}[0-9X]|[47]\d{6}-\d|[1-9]\d{0,7}-[0-9X]|3\d{7}[0-9X] (e.g. 4079154-3)
if not string.match( id, '^1[01]?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9X]$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^[47]%d%d%d%d%d%d%-%d$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%-[0-9X]$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^3%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9X]$' ) then
return false
return '[https://d-nb.info/gnd/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'GND' )
function p.selibrLink( id )
--P906's format regex: [1-9]\d{4,5} (e.g. 123456)
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[https://libris.kb.se/auth/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'SELIBR' )
function p.bnfLink( id )
--P268's format regex: \d{8}[0-9bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz] (e.g. 123456789)
if not string.match( id, '^c?b?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz]$' ) then
return false
--Add cb prefix if it has been removed
if not string.match( id, '^cb.+$' ) then
id = 'cb' .. id
return '[http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. '] [http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/' .. id .. ' (data)]' .. p.getCatForId( 'BNF' )
function p.bpnLink( id )
--P651's format regex: \d{8} (e.g. 12345678)
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[http://www.biografischportaal.nl/en/persoon/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'BPN' )
function p.ridLink( id )
--P1053's format regex: [A-Z]-\d{4}-(19|20)\d\d (e.g. A-1234-1934)
if not string.match( id, '^[A-Z]%-%d%d%d%d%-19%d%d$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^[A-Z]%-%d%d%d%d%-20%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[https://www.researcherid.com/rid/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'RID' )
function p.bibsysLink( id )
--P1015's format regex: [1-9]\d* or [1-9](\d{0,8}|\d{12}) (e.g. 1234567890123)
--TODO: follow up @ [[d:Property talk:P1015#Discrepancy between the 2 regex constraints]] or escalate/investigate
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[https://authority.bibsys.no/authority/rest/authorities/html/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'BIBSYS' )
function p.ulanLink( id )
--P245's format regex: 500\d{6} (e.g. 500123456)
if not string.match( id, '^500%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[https://www.getty.edu/vow/ULANFullDisplay?find=&role=&nation=&subjectid=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'ULAN' )
function p.nlaLink( id )
--P409's format regex: [1-9][0-9]{0,11} (e.g. 123456789012)
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[https://nla.gov.au/anbd.aut-an' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'NLA' )
function p.rkdartistsLink( id )
--P650's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,5} (e.g. 123456)
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[https://rkd.nl/en/explore/artists/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'RKDartists' )
local function isniLink( id )
function p.snacLink( id )
    id = validateIsni( id )
--P3430's format regex: \d*[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]* (e.g. A)
    if not id then
if not string.match( id, '^%d*[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*$' ) then
        return false
return false
    return '[http://isni.org/isni/' .. id .. ' ' .. id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 13, 16 ) .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'ISNI' )
return '[http://socialarchive.iath.virginia.edu/ark:/99166/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'SNAC-ID' )
local function orcidLink( id )
function p.dblpLink( id )
    id = validateIsni( id )
--P2456's format regex: \d{2,3} /\d+(-\d+)?|[a-z] /[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*(-\d+)? (e.g. 123/123)
    if not id then
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d?/%d+$' ) and
        return false
  not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d?/%d+%-%d+$' ) and
  not string.match( id, '^[a-z]/[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*$' ) and
    id = id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 13, 16 )
  not string.match( id, '^[a-z]/[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*%-%d+$' ) then
    return '[https://orcid.org/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'ORCID' )
return false
return '[https://dblp.org/pid/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'DBLP' )
local function gndLink( id )
function p.acmLink( id )
    return '[http://d-nb.info/gnd/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'GND' )
--P864's format regex: \d{11} (e.g. 12345678901)
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[https://dl.acm.org/author_page.cfm?id=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'ACM-DL' )
local function selibrLink( id )
function p.autoresuyLink( id )
if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
--P2558's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,4} (e.g. 12345)
        return false
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
    return '[//libris.kb.se/auth/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'SELIBR' )
return '[http://autores.uy/autor/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' ..  p.getCatForId( 'autores.uy' )
local function bnfLink( id )
function p.picLink( id )
    --Add cb prefix if it has been removed
--P2750's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 1)
    if not string.match( id, '^cb.+$' ) then
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then
        id = 'cb' .. id
return false
return '[https://pic.nypl.org/constituents/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'PIC' )
    return '[http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. '] [http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/' .. id .. ' (data)]' .. getCatForId( 'BNF' )
function p.bildLink( id )
--P2092's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1)
if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
return false
return '[https://www.bildindex.de/document/obj' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'Bildindex' )
local function bpnLink( id )
function p.jocondeLink( id )
    if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
--P347's format regex: [\-0-9A-Za-z]{11} (e.g. 12345678901)
        return false
local regex = '^' .. string.rep('[%-0-9A-Za-z]', 11) .. '$'
if not string.match( id, regex ) then
    return '[http://www.biografischportaal.nl/en/persoon/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'BPN' )
return false
return '[http://www2.culture.gouv.fr/public/mistral/joconde_fr?ACTION=CHERCHER&FIELD_1=REF&VALUE_1=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'Joconde' )
local function ridLink( id )
function p.rkdidLink( id )
    return '[http://www.researcherid.com/rid/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'RID' )
--P350's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,5} (e.g. 123456)
if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then
return false
return '[https://rkd.nl/nl/explore/images/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'RKDID' )
local function bibsysLink( id )
function p.balatLink( id )
    return '[https://authority.bibsys.no/authority/rest/authorities/html/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'BIBSYS' )
--P3293's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1)
if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then
return false
return '[http://balat.kikirpa.be/object/104257' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'BALaT' )
local function ulanLink( id )
function p.lnbLink( id )
    return '[//www.getty.edu/vow/ULANFullDisplay?find=&role=&nation=&subjectid=' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'ULAN' )
--P1368's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789)
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[https://kopkatalogs.lv/F?func=direct&local_base=lnc10&doc_number=' .. id .. '&P_CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'LNB' )
local function nlaLink( id )
function p.nskLink( id )
return '[//nla.gov.au/anbd.aut-an' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'NLA' )
--P1375's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789)
if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then
return false
return '[http://katalog.nsk.hr/F/?func=direct&doc_number=' .. id .. '&local_base=nsk10 ' .. id .. ']' .. p.getCatForId( 'NSK' )
local function rkdartistsLink( id )
return '[https://rkd.nl/en/explore/artists/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. ']' .. getCatForId( 'RKDartists' )
--[[          Wikidata, navigation bar, and documentation functions          ]]
function p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, property )
local ids = {}
local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( itemId, property )
if statements then
for _, statement in ipairs( statements ) do
if statement.mainsnak.datavalue then
table.insert( ids, statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value )
return ids
local function getIdsFromWikidata( item, property )
function p.matchesWikidataRequirements( itemId, reqs )
    local ids = {}
for _, group in ipairs( reqs ) do
    if not item.claims[property] then
local property = 'P' .. group[1]
        return ids
local qid = group[2]
local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( itemId, property )
    for _, statement in pairs( item:getBestStatements( property )) do
if statements then
if statement.mainsnak.datavalue then
for _, statement in ipairs( statements ) do
table.insert( ids, statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value )
if statement.mainsnak.datavalue then
if statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == qid then
return true
    return ids
return false
local function matchesWikidataRequirements( item, reqs )
function p.createRow( id, label, rawValue, link, withUid )
    for _, group in pairs( reqs ) do
if link then
        local property = 'p' .. group[1]
if withUid then
        local qid = group[2]
return '*<span class="nowrap">' .. label .. ' <span class="uid">' .. link .. '</span></span>\n'
        if item.claims[property] ~= nil then
            for _, statement in pairs ( item.claims[property] ) do
return '*<span class="nowrap">' .. label .. ' ' .. link .. '</span>\n'
            if statement.mainsnak.datavalue ~= nil then
                if statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == qid then
                    return true
local catName = 'Wikipedia articles with faulty authority control identifiers (' .. id .. ')'
return '* <span class="error">The ' .. id .. ' id ' .. rawValue .. ' is not valid.</span>[[Category:' .. catName .. ']]' .. p.redCatLink(catName) .. '\n'
    return false
local function createRow( id, label, rawValue, link, withUid )
-- Creates a human-readable standalone wikitable version of p.conf, and tracking categories with page counts, for use in the documentation
    if link then
function p.docConfTable( frame )
        if withUid then
local wikiTable = '{| class="wikitable sortable"\n' ..
            return '*<span style="white-space:nowrap;">' .. label .. ' <span class="uid">' .. link .. '</span></span>\n'
  '! rowspan=2 | Parameter\n' ..
  '! rowspan=2 | Label\n' ..
            return '*<span style="white-space:nowrap;">' .. label .. ' ' .. link .. '</span>\n'
  '! rowspan=2; data-sort-type=number | Wikidata property\n' ..
  '! colspan=4 | Tracking categories and page counts\n' ..
  '|-\n' ..
        return '* <span class="error">The ' .. id .. ' id ' .. rawValue .. ' is not valid.</span>[[Category:Wikipedia articles with faulty authority control identifiers (' .. id .. ')]]\n'
  '! Articles\n' ..
  '! User pages\n' ..
  '! Misc. pages\n' ..
  '! Faulty IDs\n' ..
local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()
for _, conf in pairs( p.conf ) do
local param, link, pid = conf[1], conf[2], conf[3]
if param == 'MBA' then param = 'MusicBrainz' end --it's weird; 'MusicBrainz' for cats only
local args = { id = 'f', pid }
local wpl = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikidata property link', args = args }
local articleCat = 'Wikipedia articles with '..param..' identifiers'
local userCat =    'User pages with '..param..' identifiers'
local miscCat =    'Miscellaneous pages with '..param..' identifiers'
local faultyCat =  'Wikipedia articles with faulty authority control identifiers ('..param..')'
local articleCount = lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(articleCat, 'pages') )
local userCount =    lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(userCat, 'pages') )
local miscCount =    lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(miscCat, 'pages') )
local faultyCount =  lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(faultyCat, 'pages') )
if param == 'MusicBrainz' then param = 'MBA' end --it's weird; 'MBA' for param name only
wikiTable = wikiTable..'\n'..
'||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Category:'..articleCat..'|'..articleCount..']]'..
'||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Category:'..   userCat..'|'..   userCount..']]'..
'||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Category:'..   miscCat..'|'..   miscCount..']]'..
'||style="text-align: right;"|[[:Category:'.. faultyCat..'|'.. faultyCount..']]'
return wikiTable .. '\n|}'
--In this order: name of the parameter, label, propertyId in Wikidata, formatting function
local conf = {
--[[                                   Main                                  ]]
    { 'VIAF', '[[Virtual International Authority File|VIAF]]', 214, viafLink },
    { 'LCCN', '[[Library of Congress Control Number|LCCN]]', 244, lccnLink },
    { 'ISNI', '[[International Standard Name Identifier|ISNI]]', 213, isniLink },
    { 'ORCID', '[[ORCID]]', 496, orcidLink },
    { 'GND', '[[Integrated Authority File|GND]]', 227, gndLink },
    { 'SELIBR', '[[LIBRIS|SELIBR]]', 906, selibrLink },
    { 'SUDOC', '[[Système universitaire de documentation|SUDOC]]', 269, sudocLink },
    { 'BNF', '[[Bibliothèque nationale de France|BNF]]', 268, bnfLink },
    { 'BPN', '[[Biografisch Portaal|BPN]]', 651, bpnLink },
    { 'RID', '[[ResearcherID]]', 1053, ridLink },
    { 'BIBSYS', '[[BIBSYS]]', 1015, bibsysLink },
    { 'ULAN', '[[Union List of Artist Names|ULAN]]', 245, ulanLink },
    { 'HDS', '[[Historical Dictionary of Switzerland|HDS]]', 902, hlsLink },
    { 'LIR', '[[Historical Dictionary of Switzerland#Lexicon_Istoric_Retic|LIR]]', 886, lirLink },
    { 'MBA', '[[MusicBrainz]]', 434, mbLink },
    { 'MGP', '[[Mathematics Genealogy Project|MGP]]', 549, mgpLink },
    { 'NLA', '[[National Library of Australia|NLA]]', 409, nlaLink },
    { 'NDL', '[[National Diet Library|NDL]]', 349, ndlLink },
    { 'NCL', '[[National Central Library|NCL]]', 1048, nclLink },
    { 'NKC', '[[National Library of the Czech Republic|NKC]]', 691, nkcLink },
    { 'Léonore', '[[Base Léonore|Léonore]]', 640, leonoreLink },
    { 'SBN', '[[Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico|ICCU]]', 396, sbnLink },
    { 'RLS', '[[Russian State Library|RLS]]', 947, rslLink },
    { 'Botanist', '[[Author citation (botany)|Botanist]]', 428, botanistLink },
    { 'NARA-person', '[[National Archives and Records Administration|NARA]]', 1222, narapersonLink },
    { 'NARA-organization', '[[National Archives and Records Administration|NARA]]', 1223, naraorganizationLink },
    { 'USCongress', '[[Biographical Directory of the United States Congress|US Congress]]', 1157, uscongressLink },
    { 'BNE', '[[Biblioteca Nacional de España|BNE]]', 950, bneLink },
    { 'CINII', '[[CiNii]]', 271, ciniiLink },
    { 'TLS', '[[Theaterlexikon der Schweiz|TLS]]', 1362, tlsLink },
    { 'SIKART', '[[SIKART]]', 781, sikartLink },
    { 'KULTURNAV', '[[KulturNav]]', 1248, kulturnavLink },
    { 'RKDartists', '[[Netherlands Institute for Art History#Online artist pages|RKD]]', 650, rkdartistsLink },
-- Check that the Wikidata item has this property-->value before adding it
-- Check that the Wikidata item has this property-->value before adding it
local reqs = {}
local reqs = {}
local p = {}
-- Parameter format: { name of the parameter, label, propertyId in Wikidata, formatting function }
p.conf = {
{ 'ACM-DL', '[[ACM Digital Library|ACM DL]]', 864, p.acmLink },
{ 'autores.uy', '[[autores.uy]]', 2558, p.autoresuyLink },
{ 'BALaT', '[[:d:Q2876688|BALaT]]', 3293, p.balatLink },
{ 'BIBSYS', '[[BIBSYS]]', 1015, p.bibsysLink },
{ 'Bildindex', '[[Marburg Picture Index|Bildindex]]', 2092, p.bildLink },
{ 'BNE', '[[Biblioteca Nacional de España|BNE]]', 950, p.bneLink },
{ 'BNF', '[[Bibliothèque nationale de France|BNF]]', 268, p.bnfLink },
{ 'Botanist', '[[Author citation (botany)|Botanist]]', 428, p.botanistLink },
{ 'BPN', '[[Biografisch Portaal|BPN]]', 651, p.bpnLink },
{ 'CINII', '[[CiNii]]', 271, p.ciniiLink },
{ 'DBLP', '[[DBLP]]', 2456, p.dblpLink },
{ 'GND', '[[Integrated Authority File|GND]]', 227, p.gndLink },
{ 'HDS', '[[Historical Dictionary of Switzerland|HDS]]', 902, p.hdsLink },
{ 'IAAF', '[[International Association of Athletics Federations|IAAF]]', 1146, p.iaafLink },
{ 'ISNI', '[[International Standard Name Identifier|ISNI]]', 213, p.isniLink },
{ 'Joconde', '[[Joconde|Joconde]]' , 347, p.jocondeLink },
{ 'KULTURNAV', '[[KulturNav]]', 1248, p.kulturnavLink },
{ 'LCCN', '[[Library of Congress Control Number|LCCN]]', 244, p.lccnLink },
{ 'LIR', '[[Historical Dictionary of Switzerland#Lexicon_Istoric_Retic|LIR]]', 886, p.lirLink },
{ 'LNB', '[[National Library of Latvia|LNB]]', 1368, p.lnbLink },
{ 'Léonore', '[[Base Léonore|Léonore]]', 640, p.leonoreLink },
{ 'MBA', '[[MusicBrainz]]', 434, p.mbaLink },
{ 'MGP', '[[Mathematics Genealogy Project|MGP]]', 549, p.mgpLink },
{ 'NARA', '[[National Archives and Records Administration|NARA]]', 1225, p.naraLink },
{ 'NCL', '[[National Central Library|NCL]]', 1048, p.nclLink },
{ 'NDL', '[[National Diet Library|NDL]]', 349, p.ndlLink },
{ 'NKC', '[[National Library of the Czech Republic|NKC]]', 691, p.nkcLink },
{ 'NLA', '[[National Library of Australia|NLA]]', 409, p.nlaLink },
{ 'NSK', '[[National and University Library in Zagreb|NSK]]', 1375, p.nskLink },
{ 'ORCID', '[[ORCID]]', 496, p.orcidLink },
{ 'PIC', '[[:d:Q23892012|PIC]]', 2750, p.picLink },
{ 'RID', '[[ResearcherID]]', 1053, p.ridLink },
{ 'RKDartists', '[[Netherlands Institute for Art History#Online artist pages|RKD]]', 650, p.rkdartistsLink },
{ 'RKDID', '[[:d:Q17299580|RKDimages ID]]', 350, p.rkdidLink },
{ 'RSL', '[[Russian State Library|RSL]]', 947, p.rslLink },
{ 'SBN', '[[Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico|ICCU]]', 396, p.sbnLink },
{ 'SELIBR', '[[LIBRIS|SELIBR]]', 906, p.selibrLink },
{ 'SIKART', '[[SIKART]]', 781, p.sikartLink },
{ 'SNAC-ID', '[[SNAC]]', 3430, p.snacLink },
{ 'SUDOC', '[[Système universitaire de documentation|SUDOC]]', 269, p.sudocLink },
{ 'TLS', '[[Theaterlexikon der Schweiz|TLS]]', 1362, p.tlsLink },
{ 'ULAN', '[[Union List of Artist Names|ULAN]]', 245, p.ulanLink },
{ 'USCongress', '[[Biographical Directory of the United States Congress|US Congress]]', 1157, p.uscongressLink },
{ 'VIAF', '[[Virtual International Authority File|VIAF]]', 214, p.viafLink },
-- Legitimate aliases to p.conf, for convenience
-- Format: { alias, parameter name in p.conf }
p.aliases = {
{ 'RLS', 'RSL' },
{ 'MusicBrainz', 'MBA' },
{ 'Leonore', 'Léonore' },
-- Deprecated aliases to p.conf, which also get assigned to a tracking cat
-- Format: { deprecated parameter name, replacement parameter name in p.conf }
p.deprecated = {
{ 'GKD', 'GND' },
{ 'PND', 'GND' },
{ 'SWD', 'GND' },
{ 'NARA-organization', 'NARA' },
{ 'NARA-person', 'NARA' },
function p.authorityControl( frame )
function p.authorityControl( frame )
    local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args
local resolve = require( "Module:ResolveEntityId" )
    --Create rows
local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
    local elements = {}
local namespace = title.namespace
local talkspace = (mw.site.talkNamespaces[namespace] ~= nil)
local testcases = (string.sub(title.subpageText,1,9) == 'testcases')
local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args
local elements = {} --create/insert rows later
local suppressedIdCat = ''
local deprecatedIdCat = ''
    --redirect PND to GND
--Redirect aliases to proper parameter names
    if (parentArgs.GND == nil or parentArgs.GND == '') and parentArgs.PND ~= nil and parentArgs.PND ~= '' then
for _, a in pairs( p.aliases ) do
        parentArgs.GND = parentArgs.PND
local alias, param = a[1], a[2]
if (parentArgs[param] == nil or parentArgs[param] == '') and parentArgs[alias] then
parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[alias]
    --Wikidata fallback if requested
--Redirect deprecated parameters to proper parameter names, and assign tracking cat
    local item = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
for _, d in pairs( p.deprecated ) do
    if item ~= nil and item.claims ~= nil then
local dep, param = d[1], d[2]
        for _, params in pairs( conf ) do
if (parentArgs[param] == nil or parentArgs[param] == '') and parentArgs[dep] then
            if params[3] ~= 0 then
parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[dep]
                local val = parentArgs[params[1]]
if namespace == 0 then
                if not val or val == '' then
deprecatedIdCat = '[[Category:Wikipedia articles with deprecated authority control identifiers|'..dep..']]'
                local canUseWikidata = nil
                    if reqs[params[1]] ~= nil then
                        canUseWikidata = matchesWikidataRequirements( item, reqs[params[1]] )
                        canUseWikidata = true
                    if canUseWikidata then
                        local wikidataIds = getIdsFromWikidata( item, 'P' .. params[3] )
                        if wikidataIds[1] then
                            parentArgs[params[1]] = wikidataIds[1]
--Use QID= parameter for testing/example purposes only
    if parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] and parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] ~= '' then
local itemId = nil
        table.insert( elements, createRow( 'WORLDCATID', '', parentArgs['WORLDCATID'], '[//www.worldcat.org/identities/' .. parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) ) --Validation?
if testcases or talkspace then
    elseif parentArgs['VIAF'] and string.match( parentArgs['VIAF'], '^%d+$' ) then -- Hackishly copy the validation code; this should go away when we move to using P1793 and P1630
if parentArgs['QID'] then
        table.insert( elements, createRow( 'VIAF', '', parentArgs['VIAF'], '[//www.worldcat.org/identities/containsVIAFID/' .. parentArgs['VIAF'] .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) )
itemId = 'Q' .. mw.ustring.gsub(parentArgs['QID'], '^[Qq]', '')
    elseif parentArgs['LCCN'] and parentArgs['LCCN'] ~= '' then
itemId = resolve._entityid(frame, itemId) --nil if unresolvable
        local lccnParts = splitLccn( parentArgs['LCCN'] )
        if lccnParts and lccnParts[1] ~= 'sh' then
            table.insert( elements, createRow( 'LCCN', '', parentArgs['LCCN'], '[//www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-' .. lccnParts[1] .. lccnParts[2] .. '-' .. lccnParts[3] .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) )
itemId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage()
--Wikidata fallback if requested
if itemId then
for _, params in ipairs( p.conf ) do
if params[3] > 0 then
local val = parentArgs[params[1]]
if val == nil or val == '' then
local canUseWikidata = nil
if reqs[params[1]] then
canUseWikidata = p.matchesWikidataRequirements( itemId, reqs[params[1]] )
canUseWikidata = true
if canUseWikidata then
local wikidataIds = p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, 'P' .. params[3] )
if wikidataIds[1] then
if val == '' and (namespace == 0 or testcases) then
suppressedIdCat = '[[Category:Wikipedia articles with suppressed authority control identifiers|' .. params[1] .. ']]'
parentArgs[params[1]] = wikidataIds[1]
end end end end end end end
if parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] and parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] ~= '' then
table.insert( elements, p.createRow( 'WORLDCATID', '', parentArgs['WORLDCATID'], '[https://www.worldcat.org/identities/' .. parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) ) --Validation?
elseif parentArgs['VIAF'] and string.match( parentArgs['VIAF'], '^%d+$' ) then -- Hackishly copy the validation code; this should go away when we move to using P1793 and P1630
table.insert( elements, p.createRow( 'VIAF', '', parentArgs['VIAF'], '[https://www.worldcat.org/identities/containsVIAFID/' .. parentArgs['VIAF'] .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) )
elseif parentArgs['LCCN'] and parentArgs['LCCN'] ~= '' then
local lccnParts = p.splitLccn( parentArgs['LCCN'] )
if lccnParts and lccnParts[1] ~= 'sh' then
table.insert( elements, p.createRow( 'LCCN', '', parentArgs['LCCN'], '[https://www.worldcat.org/identities/lccn-' .. lccnParts[1] .. lccnParts[2] .. '-' .. lccnParts[3] .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) )
    --Configured rows
--Configured rows
    local rct = 0
local rct = 0
    for k, params in pairs( conf ) do
for _, params in ipairs( p.conf ) do
        local val = parentArgs[params[1]]
local val = parentArgs[params[1]]
        if val and val ~= '' then
if val and val ~= '' then
            table.insert( elements, createRow( params[1], params[2] .. ':', val, params[4]( val ), true ) )
table.insert( elements, p.createRow( params[1], params[2] .. ':', val, params[4]( val ), true ) )
            rct = rct + 1
rct = rct + 1
    local Navbox = require('Module:Navbox')
    local elementscats = ''
    if rct > 13 then
    elementscats  = '[[Category:AC with ' .. rct .. ' elements]]'
local Navbox = require('Module:Navbox')
if #elements ~= 0 then
local elementsCat = ''
return Navbox._navbox( {
if rct > 13 then
local catName = 'AC with ' .. rct .. ' elements'
elementsCat  = '[[Category:' .. catName .. ']]' .. p.redCatLink(catName)
local outString = ''
if #elements > 0 then
local args = {}
if testcases and itemId then args = { qid = itemId } end --expensive
local pencil = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'EditAtWikidata', args = args}
outString = Navbox._navbox( {
name  = 'Authority control',
name  = 'Authority control',
bodyclass = 'hlist',
bodyclass = 'hlist',
group1 = '[[Help:Authority control|Authority control]]' .. elementscats,
group1 = '[[Help:Authority control|Authority control]]' .. pencil,
list1 = table.concat( elements )
list1 = table.concat( elements )
} )
} )
local auxCats = elementsCat .. suppressedIdCat .. deprecatedIdCat
return ""
if testcases then
auxCats = mw.ustring.gsub(auxCats, '(%[%[)(Category)', '%1:%2') --for easier checking
outString = outString .. auxCats
if namespace ~= 0 then
outString = mw.ustring.gsub(outString, '(%[%[)(Category:Wikipedia articles)', '%1:%2') --by definition
return outString
return p
return p

Latest revision as of 16:56, 25 September 2018

require('Module:No globals')

local p = {}

--========================================================================== --Category functions --==========================================================================

function p.getCatForId( id ) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local namespace = title.namespace local catName = if namespace == 0 then catName = 'Wikipedia articles with ' .. id .. ' identifiers' elseif namespace == 2 and not title.isSubpage then catName = 'User pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers' else catName = 'Miscellaneous pages with ' .. id .. ' identifiers' end return .. p.redCatLink(catName) end

function p.redCatLink( catName ) --catName == 'Blah', not 'Category:Blah', not if catName and catName ~= and mw.title.new(catName, 14).exists == false then return end return end

--========================================================================== --Property formatting functions --==========================================================================

function p.iaafLink( id ) --P1146's format regex: [1-9][0-9]* (e.g. 123) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'IAAF' ) end

function p.viafLink( id ) --P214's format regex: [1-9]\d(\d{0,7}|\d{17,20}) (e.g. 123456789, 1234567890123456789012) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'VIAF' ) end

function p.kulturnavLink( id ) --P1248's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{4}\-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not string.match( id, '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'KULTURNAV' ) end

function p.sikartLink( id ) --P781's format regex: \d{7,9} (e.g. 123456789) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '&lng=en ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'SIKART' ) end

function p.tlsLink( id ) local id2 = id:gsub(' +', '_') --P1362's format regex: \p{Lu}[\p{L}\d_',\.\-\(\)\*/–]{3,59} (e.g. Abcd) local class = "[%a%d_',%.%-%(%)%*/–]" local regex = "^%u" .. string.rep(class, 3) .. string.rep(class.."?", 56) .. "$" if not mw.ustring.match( id2, regex ) then return false end return '.. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'TLS' ) end

function p.ciniiLink( id ) --P271's format regex: DA\d{7}[\dX] (e.g. DA12345678) if not string.match( id, '^DA%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '?l=en ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'CINII' ) end

function p.bneLink( id ) --P950's format regex: (XX|FF|a)\d{4,7}|(bima|bimo|bica|bis[eo]|bivi|Mise|Mimo|Mima)\d{10} (e.g. XX1234567) if not string.match( id, '^[XF][XF]%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) and not string.match( id, '^a%d%d%d%d%d?%d?%d?$' ) and not string.match( id, '^bi[mcsv][aoei]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^Mi[sm][eoa]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'BNE' ) end

function p.uscongressLink( id ) --P1157's format regex: [A-Z]00[01]\d{3} (e.g. A000123) if not string.match( id, '^[A-Z]00[01]%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'USCongress' ) end

function p.naraLink( id ) --P1225's format regex: ^([1-9]\d{0,7})$ (e.g. 12345678) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'NARA' ) end

function p.botanistLink( id ) --P428's format regex: ('t )?(d')?(de )?(la )?(van (der )?)?(Ma?c)?(De)?(Di)?\p{Lu}?C?['\p{Ll}]*([-'. ]*(van )?(y )?(d[ae][nr]?[- ])?(Ma?c)?[\p{Lu}bht]?C?['\p{Ll}]*)*\.? ?f?\.? (e.g. L.) --not easily/meaningfully implementable in Lua's regex since "(this)?" is not allowed... if not mw.ustring.match( id, "^[%u%l%d%. '-]+$" ) then --better than nothing return false end local id2 = id:gsub(' +', '%%20') return '.. id2 .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'Botanist' ) end

function p.mgpLink( id ) --P549's format regex: \d{1,6} (e.g. 123456) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'MGP' ) end

function p.rslLink( id ) --P947's format regex: \d{1,9} (e.g. 123456789) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'RSL' ) end

function p.leonoreLink( id ) --P640's format regex: LH/\d{1,4}/\d{1,3}|19800035/\d{1,4}/\d{1,5}(Bis)?|C/0/\d{1,2} (e.g. LH/2064/18) if not id:match( '^LH/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?$' ) and --IDs from LH/1/1 to LH/2794/54 (legionaries) not id:match( '^19800035/%d%d?%d?%d?/%d%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and --IDs from 19800035/1/1 to 19800035/385/51670 (legionnaires who died 1954-1977 & some who died < 1954) not id:match( '^C/0/%d%d?$' ) then --IDs from C/0/1 to C/0/84 (84 famous legionaries) return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'Léonore' ) end

function p.sbnLink( id ) --P396's format regex: IT\\ICCU\\(\d{10}|\D\D[\D\d]\D\\\d{6}) (e.g. IT\ICCU\CFIV\000163) if not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^IT\\ICCU\\%u%u[%u%d]%u\\%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then --legacy: %u used here instead of %D (but the faulty ID cat is empty, out of ~12k uses) return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'SBN' ) end

function p.nkcLink( id ) --P691's format regex: [a-z]{2,4}[0-9]{2,14} (e.g. abcd12345678901234) if not string.match( id, '^[a-z][a-z][a-z]?[a-z]?%d%d%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'NKC' ) end

function p.nclLink( id ) --P1048's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1081436) if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '&CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'NCL' ) end

function p.ndlLink( id ) --P349's format regex: 0?\d{8} (e.g. 012345678) if not string.match( id, '^0?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'NDL' ) end

function p.sudocLink( id ) --P269's format regex: (\d{8}[\dX]|) (e.g. 026927608) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dxX]$' ) then --legacy: allow lowercase 'x' return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'SUDOC' ) end

function p.hdsLink( id ) --P902's format regex: 50\d{3}|[1-4]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{0,3}| (e.g. 50123) if not string.match( id, '^50%d%d%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[1-4]%d%d%d%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '.php ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'HDS' ) end

function p.lirLink( id ) --P886's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '.450.0.html ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'LIR' ) end

function p.splitLccn( id ) --P244's format regex: (n|nb|nr|no|ns|sh)([4-9][0-9]|00|20[0-1][0-9])[0-9]{6} (e.g. n78039510) if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d?%d?$' ) then id = id:gsub( '^(%l+)(%d+)(%d%d%d%d%d%d)$', '%1/%2/%3' ) end if id:match( '^%l%l?%l?/%d%d%d?%d?/%d+$' ) then return mw.text.split( id, '/' ) end return false end

function p.append(str, c, length) while str:len() < length do str = c .. str end return str end

function p.lccnLink( id ) local parts = p.splitLccn( id ) --e.g. n78039510 if not parts then return false end local lccnType = parts[1] ~= 'sh' and 'names' or 'subjects' id = parts[1] .. parts[2] .. p.append( parts[3], '0', 6 ) return '.. lccnType .. '/' .. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'LCCN' ) end

function p.mbaLink( id ) --P434's format regex: [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12} (e.g. 12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB) if not string.match( id, '^%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%-%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'MusicBrainz' ) end

--Returns the ISNI check digit isni must be a string where the 15 first elements are digits, e.g. 0000000066534145 function p.getIsniCheckDigit( isni ) local total = 0 for i = 1, 15 do local digit = isni:byte( i ) - 48 --Get integer value total = (total + digit) * 2 end local remainder = total % 11 local result = (12 - remainder) % 11 if result == 10 then return "X" end return tostring( result ) end

--Validate ISNI (and ORCID) and retuns it as a 16 characters string or returns false if it's invalid --See http://support.orcid.org/knowledgebase/articles/116780-structure-of-the-orcid-identifier function p.validateIsni( id ) --P213 (ISNI) format regex: [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{3}[0-9X] (e.g. 0000-0000-6653-4145) --P496 (ORCID) format regex: 0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])\d{3}-\d{3}[\dX] (e.g. 0000-0002-7398-5483) id = id:gsub( '[ %-]', ):upper() if not id:match( '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[%dX]$' ) then return false end if p.getIsniCheckDigit( id ) ~= string.char( id:byte( 16 ) ) then return false end return id end

function p.isniLink( id ) id = p.validateIsni( id ) --e.g. 0000-0000-6653-4145 if not id then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. ' ' .. id:sub( 13, 16 ) .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'ISNI' ) end

function p.orcidLink( id ) id = p.validateIsni( id ) --e.g. 0000-0002-7398-5483 if not id then return false end id = id:sub( 1, 4 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 5, 8 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 9, 12 ) .. '-' .. id:sub( 13, 16 ) return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'ORCID' ) end

function p.gndLink( id ) --P227's format regex: (1|1[01])\d{7}[0-9X]|[47]\d{6}-\d|[1-9]\d{0,7}-[0-9X]|3\d{7}[0-9X] (e.g. 4079154-3) if not string.match( id, '^1[01]?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9X]$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[47]%d%d%d%d%d%d%-%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%-[0-9X]$' ) and not string.match( id, '^3%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9X]$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'GND' ) end

function p.selibrLink( id ) --P906's format regex: [1-9]\d{4,5} (e.g. 123456) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'SELIBR' ) end

function p.bnfLink( id ) --P268's format regex: \d{8}[0-9bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz] (e.g. 123456789) if not string.match( id, '^c?b?%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d[0-9bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz]$' ) then return false end --Add cb prefix if it has been removed if not string.match( id, '^cb.+$' ) then id = 'cb' .. id end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. ' .. id .. ' (data)' .. p.getCatForId( 'BNF' ) end

function p.bpnLink( id ) --P651's format regex: \d{8} (e.g. 12345678) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'BPN' ) end

function p.ridLink( id ) --P1053's format regex: [A-Z]-\d{4}-(19|20)\d\d (e.g. A-1234-1934) if not string.match( id, '^[A-Z]%-%d%d%d%d%-19%d%d$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[A-Z]%-%d%d%d%d%-20%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'RID' ) end

function p.bibsysLink( id ) --P1015's format regex: [1-9]\d* or [1-9](\d{0,8}|\d{12}) (e.g. 1234567890123) --TODO: follow up @ d:Property talk:P1015#Discrepancy between the 2 regex constraints or escalate/investigate if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'BIBSYS' ) end

function p.ulanLink( id ) --P245's format regex: 500\d{6} (e.g. 500123456) if not string.match( id, '^500%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'ULAN' ) end

function p.nlaLink( id ) --P409's format regex: [1-9][0-9]{0,11} (e.g. 123456789012) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'NLA' ) end

function p.rkdartistsLink( id ) --P650's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,5} (e.g. 123456) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'RKDartists' ) end

function p.snacLink( id ) --P3430's format regex: \d*[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]* (e.g. A) if not string.match( id, '^%d*[A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z]*$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'SNAC-ID' ) end

function p.dblpLink( id ) --P2456's format regex: \d{2,3} /\d+(-\d+)?|[a-z] /[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*(-\d+)? (e.g. 123/123) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d?/%d+$' ) and not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d?/%d+%-%d+$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[a-z]/[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*$' ) and not string.match( id, '^[a-z]/[a-zA-Z][0-9A-Za-z]*%-%d+$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'DBLP' ) end

function p.acmLink( id ) --P864's format regex: \d{11} (e.g. 12345678901) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'ACM-DL' ) end

function p.autoresuyLink( id ) --P2558's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,4} (e.g. 12345) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'autores.uy' ) end

function p.picLink( id ) --P2750's format regex: [1-9]\d* (e.g. 1) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d*$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'PIC' ) end

function p.bildLink( id ) --P2092's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'Bildindex' ) end

function p.jocondeLink( id ) --P347's format regex: [\-0-9A-Za-z]{11} (e.g. 12345678901) local regex = '^' .. string.rep('[%-0-9A-Za-z]', 11) .. '$' if not string.match( id, regex ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'Joconde' ) end

function p.rkdidLink( id ) --P350's format regex: [1-9]\d{0,5} (e.g. 123456) if not string.match( id, '^[1-9]%d?%d?%d?%d?%d?$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'RKDID' ) end

function p.balatLink( id ) --P3293's format regex: \d+ (e.g. 1) if not string.match( id, '^%d+$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. ' ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'BALaT' ) end

function p.lnbLink( id ) --P1368's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '&P_CON_LNG=ENG ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'LNB' ) end

function p.nskLink( id ) --P1375's format regex: \d{9} (e.g. 123456789) if not string.match( id, '^%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d$' ) then return false end return '.. id .. '&local_base=nsk10 ' .. id .. '' .. p.getCatForId( 'NSK' ) end

--========================================================================== --Wikidata, navigation bar, and documentation functions --==========================================================================

function p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, property ) local ids = {} local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( itemId, property ) if statements then for _, statement in ipairs( statements ) do if statement.mainsnak.datavalue then table.insert( ids, statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value ) end end end return ids end

function p.matchesWikidataRequirements( itemId, reqs ) for _, group in ipairs( reqs ) do local property = 'P' .. group[1] local qid = group[2] local statements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( itemId, property ) if statements then for _, statement in ipairs( statements ) do if statement.mainsnak.datavalue then if statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value['numeric-id'] == qid then return true end end end end end return false end

function p.createRow( id, label, rawValue, link, withUid ) if link then if withUid then return '*' .. label .. ' ' .. link .. '\n' end return '*' .. label .. ' ' .. link .. '\n' end

local catName = 'Wikipedia articles with faulty authority control identifiers (' .. id .. ')' return '* The ' .. id .. ' id ' .. rawValue .. ' is not valid.' .. p.redCatLink(catName) .. '\n' end

-- Creates a human-readable standalone wikitable version of p.conf, and tracking categories with page counts, for use in the documentation function p.docConfTable( frame ) local wikiTable = '{| class="wikitable sortable"\n' .. '! rowspan=2 | Parameter\n' .. '! rowspan=2 | Label\n' .. '! rowspan=2; data-sort-type=number | Wikidata property\n' .. '! colspan=4 | Tracking categories and page counts\n' .. '|-\n' .. '! Articles\n' .. '! User pages\n' .. '! Misc. pages\n' .. '! Faulty IDs\n' .. '|-\n'

local lang = mw.getContentLanguage() for _, conf in pairs( p.conf ) do local param, link, pid = conf[1], conf[2], conf[3] if param == 'MBA' then param = 'MusicBrainz' end --it's weird; 'MusicBrainz' for cats only local args = { id = 'f', pid } local wpl = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikidata property link', args = args } local articleCat = 'Wikipedia articles with '..param..' identifiers' local userCat = 'User pages with '..param..' identifiers' local miscCat = 'Miscellaneous pages with '..param..' identifiers' local faultyCat = 'Wikipedia articles with faulty authority control identifiers ('..param..')' local articleCount = lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(articleCat, 'pages') ) local userCount = lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(userCat, 'pages') ) local miscCount = lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(miscCat, 'pages') ) local faultyCount = lang:formatNum( mw.site.stats.pagesInCategory(faultyCat, 'pages') ) if param == 'MusicBrainz' then param = 'MBA' end --it's weird; 'MBA' for param name only wikiTable = wikiTable..'\n'.. '|-\n'.. '||'..param.. '||'..link.. '||data-sort-value='..pid..'|'..wpl.. '||style="text-align: right;"|'..articleCount..''.. '||style="text-align: right;"|'.. userCount..''.. '||style="text-align: right;"|'.. miscCount..''.. '||style="text-align: right;"|'.. faultyCount..'' end return wikiTable .. '\n|}' end

--========================================================================== --Main --==========================================================================

-- Check that the Wikidata item has this property-->value before adding it local reqs = {}

-- Parameter format: { name of the parameter, label, propertyId in Wikidata, formatting function } p.conf = { { 'ACM-DL', 'ACM DL', 864, p.acmLink }, { 'autores.uy', 'autores.uy', 2558, p.autoresuyLink }, { 'BALaT', 'BALaT', 3293, p.balatLink }, { 'BIBSYS', 'BIBSYS', 1015, p.bibsysLink }, { 'Bildindex', 'Bildindex', 2092, p.bildLink }, { 'BNE', 'BNE', 950, p.bneLink }, { 'BNF', 'BNF', 268, p.bnfLink }, { 'Botanist', 'Botanist', 428, p.botanistLink }, { 'BPN', 'BPN', 651, p.bpnLink }, { 'CINII', 'CiNii', 271, p.ciniiLink }, { 'DBLP', 'DBLP', 2456, p.dblpLink }, { 'GND', 'GND', 227, p.gndLink }, { 'HDS', 'HDS', 902, p.hdsLink }, { 'IAAF', 'IAAF', 1146, p.iaafLink }, { 'ISNI', 'ISNI', 213, p.isniLink }, { 'Joconde', 'Joconde' , 347, p.jocondeLink }, { 'KULTURNAV', 'KulturNav', 1248, p.kulturnavLink }, { 'LCCN', 'LCCN', 244, p.lccnLink }, { 'LIR', 'LIR', 886, p.lirLink }, { 'LNB', 'LNB', 1368, p.lnbLink }, { 'Léonore', 'Léonore', 640, p.leonoreLink }, { 'MBA', 'MusicBrainz', 434, p.mbaLink }, { 'MGP', 'MGP', 549, p.mgpLink }, { 'NARA', 'NARA', 1225, p.naraLink }, { 'NCL', 'NCL', 1048, p.nclLink }, { 'NDL', 'NDL', 349, p.ndlLink }, { 'NKC', 'NKC', 691, p.nkcLink }, { 'NLA', 'NLA', 409, p.nlaLink }, { 'NSK', 'NSK', 1375, p.nskLink }, { 'ORCID', 'ORCID', 496, p.orcidLink }, { 'PIC', 'PIC', 2750, p.picLink }, { 'RID', 'ResearcherID', 1053, p.ridLink }, { 'RKDartists', 'RKD', 650, p.rkdartistsLink }, { 'RKDID', 'RKDimages ID', 350, p.rkdidLink }, { 'RSL', 'RSL', 947, p.rslLink }, { 'SBN', 'ICCU', 396, p.sbnLink }, { 'SELIBR', 'SELIBR', 906, p.selibrLink }, { 'SIKART', 'SIKART', 781, p.sikartLink }, { 'SNAC-ID', 'SNAC', 3430, p.snacLink }, { 'SUDOC', 'SUDOC', 269, p.sudocLink }, { 'TLS', 'TLS', 1362, p.tlsLink }, { 'ULAN', 'ULAN', 245, p.ulanLink }, { 'USCongress', 'US Congress', 1157, p.uscongressLink }, { 'VIAF', 'VIAF', 214, p.viafLink }, }

-- Legitimate aliases to p.conf, for convenience -- Format: { alias, parameter name in p.conf } p.aliases = { { 'RLS', 'RSL' }, { 'MusicBrainz', 'MBA' }, { 'Leonore', 'Léonore' }, }

-- Deprecated aliases to p.conf, which also get assigned to a tracking cat -- Format: { deprecated parameter name, replacement parameter name in p.conf } p.deprecated = { { 'GKD', 'GND' }, { 'PND', 'GND' }, { 'SWD', 'GND' }, { 'NARA-organization', 'NARA' }, { 'NARA-person', 'NARA' }, }

function p.authorityControl( frame ) local resolve = require( "Module:ResolveEntityId" ) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local namespace = title.namespace local talkspace = (mw.site.talkNamespaces[namespace] ~= nil) local testcases = (string.sub(title.subpageText,1,9) == 'testcases') local parentArgs = frame:getParent().args local elements = {} --create/insert rows later local suppressedIdCat = local deprecatedIdCat =

--Redirect aliases to proper parameter names for _, a in pairs( p.aliases ) do local alias, param = a[1], a[2] if (parentArgs[param] == nil or parentArgs[param] == ) and parentArgs[alias] then parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[alias] end end

--Redirect deprecated parameters to proper parameter names, and assign tracking cat for _, d in pairs( p.deprecated ) do local dep, param = d[1], d[2] if (parentArgs[param] == nil or parentArgs[param] == ) and parentArgs[dep] then parentArgs[param] = parentArgs[dep] if namespace == 0 then deprecatedIdCat = end end end

--Use QID= parameter for testing/example purposes only local itemId = nil if testcases or talkspace then if parentArgs['QID'] then itemId = 'Q' .. mw.ustring.gsub(parentArgs['QID'], '^[Qq]', ) itemId = resolve._entityid(frame, itemId) --nil if unresolvable end else itemId = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() end

--Wikidata fallback if requested if itemId then for _, params in ipairs( p.conf ) do if params[3] > 0 then local val = parentArgs[params[1]] if val == nil or val == then local canUseWikidata = nil if reqs[params[1]] then canUseWikidata = p.matchesWikidataRequirements( itemId, reqs[params[1]] ) else canUseWikidata = true end if canUseWikidata then local wikidataIds = p.getIdsFromWikidata( itemId, 'P' .. params[3] ) if wikidataIds[1] then if val == and (namespace == 0 or testcases) then suppressedIdCat = else parentArgs[params[1]] = wikidataIds[1] end end end end end end end

--Worldcat if parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] and parentArgs['WORLDCATID'] ~= then table.insert( elements, p.createRow( 'WORLDCATID', , parentArgs['WORLDCATID'], '.. parentArgs['WORLDCATID' .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) ) --Validation? elseif parentArgs['VIAF'] and string.match( parentArgs['VIAF'], '^%d+$' ) then -- Hackishly copy the validation code; this should go away when we move to using P1793 and P1630 table.insert( elements, p.createRow( 'VIAF', , parentArgs['VIAF'], '.. parentArgs['VIAF' .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) ) elseif parentArgs['LCCN'] and parentArgs['LCCN'] ~= then local lccnParts = p.splitLccn( parentArgs['LCCN'] ) if lccnParts and lccnParts[1] ~= 'sh' then table.insert( elements, p.createRow( 'LCCN', , parentArgs['LCCN'], '.. lccnParts[1 .. lccnParts[2] .. '-' .. lccnParts[3] .. ' WorldCat Identities]', false ) ) end end

--Configured rows local rct = 0 for _, params in ipairs( p.conf ) do local val = parentArgs[params[1]] if val and val ~= then table.insert( elements, p.createRow( params[1], params[2] .. ':', val, params[4]( val ), true ) ) rct = rct + 1 end end local Navbox = require('Module:Navbox') local elementsCat = if rct > 13 then local catName = 'AC with ' .. rct .. ' elements' elementsCat = .. p.redCatLink(catName) end

local outString = if #elements > 0 then local args = {} if testcases and itemId then args = { qid = itemId } end --expensive local pencil = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'EditAtWikidata', args = args} outString = Navbox._navbox( { name = 'Authority control', bodyclass = 'hlist', group1 = 'Authority control' .. pencil, list1 = table.concat( elements ) } ) local auxCats = elementsCat .. suppressedIdCat .. deprecatedIdCat if testcases then auxCats = mw.ustring.gsub(auxCats, '(%[%[)(Category)', '%1:%2') --for easier checking end outString = outString .. auxCats if namespace ~= 0 then outString = mw.ustring.gsub(outString, '(%[%[)(Category:Wikipedia articles)', '%1:%2') --by definition end end

return outString end

return p