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#redirect [[:Category:Orobanchaceae]]
|name = Broomrape family
|image = Striga bilabiata MS4167.jpg
|image_caption = ''[[Striga (plant)|Striga]] bilabiata''
|regnum = [[Plantae]]
|unranked_divisio = [[Angiosperms]]
|unranked_classis = [[Eudicots]]
|unranked_ordo = [[Asterids]]
|ordo = [[Lamiales]]
|familia = '''Orobanchaceae'''
|familia_authority = [[Étienne Pierre Ventenat|Vent.]]<ref name=APGIII2009>{{Cite journal |last=Angiosperm Phylogeny Group |year=2009 |title=An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III |journal=Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |volume=161 |issue=2 |pages=105–121 |url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.t01-1-00158.x/pdf | format= PDF |accessdate=2013-07-06 |doi=10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x }}</ref>
| subdivision_ranks = [[Tribe (biology)|Tribes]]<ref>{{Cite web|first=Peter|last=Stevens|title=Angiosperm Phylogeny Website, version 13. ''Lamiales'': ''Orobanchaceae''|url=http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/APWeb/orders/lamialesweb.htm#Orobanchaceae|website=www.mobot.org|access-date=20 December 2016}}</ref>
| subdivision =
* [[Rehmannieae]]
* [[Lindenbergieae]]
* [[Cymbarieae]]
* [[Orobancheae]]
* ''[[Brandisia]]''
* [[Rhinantheae]]
* [[Buchnereae]]
* [[Pedicularidae]]
'''Orobanchaceae''', the '''broomrapes''', is a [[family (biology)|family]] of [[parasitic plant]]s of the [[order (biology)|order]] [[Lamiales]], with about 90 [[genus|genera]] and more than 2000 [[species]]. Many of these genera were formerly included in the family [[Scrophulariaceae]] ''[[sensu lato]]''. Together they are a [[monophyletic]] group, forming a distinct family.
The Orobanchaceae are [[annual plant|annual]] [[herbaceous plant|herb]]s or [[perennial plant|perennial]] herbs or [[shrub]]s, and all (except ''[[Lindenbergia]]'' and ''[[Rehmannia]]'') are [[parasitic plant|parasitic]] on the [[root]]s of other plants—either holoparasitic or hemiparasitic (fully or partly parasitic). The holoparasitic species lack [[chlorophyll]] and therefore cannot perform [[photosynthesis]].
[[Image:Cistanche phelypaea.jpg|thumb|right|''Cistanche phelypaea'']]
[[Image:Broomrape (Cistanche tubulosa) Negev.jpg|thumb|right|''Cistanche tubulosa'']]
[[Image:Bellardia trixago a.jpg|thumb|right|''Bellardia trixago'']]
[[File:Pedicularis zeylanica-Silent Valley-2016-08-13-001.jpg|thumb|right|''[[Pedicularis zeylanica]]'']]
The Orobanchaceae family has a [[cosmopolitan distribution]], found mainly in [[temperate]] [[Eurasia]], [[North America]], [[South America]], parts of [[Australia]], [[New Zealand]], and tropical [[Africa]]. The only exception to its distribution is Antarctica, though some genera may be found in [[subarctic]] regions.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Watson|first1=David M.|title=Parasitic plants as facilitators: more Dryad than Dracula?|journal=Journal of Ecology|date=October 13, 2009|volume=97|issue=6|doi=10.1111/j.1365-2745.2009.01576.x|pages=1151–1159}}</ref>
==Life history traits==
Orobanchaceae is the largest of the 20-28 [[dicot]] families that express parasitism.<ref>{{cite book|last1=editors|first1=Daniel M. Joel, Jonathan Gressel, Lytton J. Musselman,|last2=Kebab|first2=E.|title=Parasitic orobanchaceae parasitic mechanisms and control strategies|date=2013|publisher=Springer|location=Berlin|isbn=978-3-642-38146-1}}</ref> It consists of all types of plant parasitism: [[facultative parasite]], [[obligate parasite]], hemiparasites, and holoparasites.
===Roots and Stems===
Parasitic plants are attached to their host by means of [[haustorium|haustoria]], which transfer [[nutrient]]s from the host to the parasite. Only the hemiparasitic species possess an additional extensive root system referred to as the lateral or side haustoria. In most holoparasitic species there is a swollen mass of short, bulky roots or one big swollen haustorial organ, which may be simple or composite, commonly called the terminal or primary haustoria.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Westwood|first1=James H.|last2=Yoder|first2=John I.|last3=Timko|first3=Michael P.|last4=dePamphilis|first4=Claude W.|title=The evolution of parasitism in plants|journal=Trends in Plant Science|date=1 April 2010|volume=15|issue=4|pages=227–235|doi=10.1016/j.tplants.2010.01.004|pmid=20153240|issn=1878-4372}}</ref>
Plants are reduced to short vegetative stems, their alternate leaves are reduced to fleshy, tooth-like scales, and have multicellular hairs interspersed with glandular hairs.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Young|first1=N.D.|last2=Steiner|first2=K.E.|last3=Claude|first3=W.|title=The Evolution of Parasitism in Schrophulariaceae/Orobanchaceae: Plastid gene sequences refute an evolutionary transition series|journal=Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden|date=1999|volume=86|pages=876–893|doi=10.2307/2666173}}</ref> The hemiparasitic species (transferred from Scrophulariaceae) are capable of photosynthesis, and may be either facultative or obligate parasites.
The [[hermaphrodite|hermaphroditic]] flowers are bilaterally symmetrical and grow either in [[raceme]]s or spikes or singly at the apex of the slender stem. The tubular [[sepal|calyx]] is formed by 2–5 united sepals. There are five united, bilabiate [[petal]]s forming the [[corolla (flower)|corolla]] and they may be yellowish, brownish, purplish, or white. The upper lip is two-lobed, the lower lip is three-lobed. There are two long and two short [[stamen]]s on slender filaments, inserted below the middle, or at the base of the corolla tube, alternating with the lobes of the tube. A fifth [[stamen]] is either sterile or lacking completely. The [[anther]]s dehisce via longitudinal slits. The [[pistil]] is one-celled. The ovary is superior. The flowers are [[pollination|pollinated]] by insects or birds (e.g. [[hummingbird]]s, as in ''[[Castilleja]]'').
The [[fruit]] is a dehiscent, non-fleshy, 1-locular [[capsule (fruit)|capsule]] with many very minute endospermic [[seed]]s. Fruits of Orobanchaceae are small and abundant and can produce between 10,000-1,000,000 seeds per plant.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Molau|first1=U.|title=Parasitic Plants: Reproductive ecology and biology|date=1995|publisher=Chapman and Hall|location=London|pages=141–176}}</ref> These are dispersed by the wind over long distances, which increases their chances of finding a new host.
Development of the haustoria was a significant evolutionary event that allowed for the advancement of [[parasitic plant]]s. The holoparasitic clade, ''[[Orobanche]]'', delineates the first transition from hemiparasitism to holoparasitism within Orobanchaceae.
Despite the similar morphological traits found in both [[Scrophulariaceae]] and Orobanchaceae, the latter is now morphologically and molecularly considered monophyletic, though many of its genera were once considered a part of the Scrophulariaceae family.
''[[Lindenbergia]]'', once treated as a member of the Schrophulariaceae family, is the one of the only autotrophic genera within Orobanchaceae. It is believed to be the sister group to the hemiparasitic genera within its family.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Judd|first1=Walter S.|title=Plant systematics : a phylogenetic approach|date=2008|publisher=Sinauer Associates|location=Sunderland, Mass.|isbn=978-0-87893-407-2|edition=3rd |display-authors=etal}}</ref>
This family has tremendous economic importance because of the damage to crops caused by some species in the genera ''[[Orobanche]]'' and ''[[Striga (plant)|Striga]]''. They often parasitize cereal crops like sugarcane, maize, millet, sorghum, and other major agricultural crops like cowpea, sunflower, hemp, tomatoes, and legumes. Because of the ubiquitous nature of these particular parasites in developing countries, it is estimated to affect the livelihood of over 100 million people<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Bromham|first1=Lindell|last2=Cowman|first2=Peter F.|last3=Lanfear|first3=Robert|title=Parasitic plants have increased rates of molecular evolution across all three genomes|journal=BMC Evolutionary Biology|date=1 January 2013|volume=13|page=126|doi=10.1186/1471-2148-13-126|pmid=23782527|issn=1471-2148|pmc=3694452}}</ref> killing 20 to 100 percent of crops depending on infestation.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Westwood|first1=J.H.|title=The Parasitic Plant Genome Project: New tools for understanding the biology of ''Orobanche'' and ''Striga''|journal=Weed Science|date=2012|volume=60|pages=295–306|display-authors=etal|doi=10.1614/ws-d-11-00113.1}}</ref>
Some genera, especially ''[[Cistanche]]'' and ''[[Conopholis]]'', are threatened by human activity, including habitat destruction and over-harvesting of both the plants and their hosts.
Research for this plant family can often be difficult due to its permit requirements for collection, travel, and research.
* ''[[Aeginetia]]'' (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Agalinis]]'' gerardia  (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Alectra]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Asepalum]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Aureolaria]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Bartsia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Bellardia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Boschniakia]]'' : Groundcone  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Brandisia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Buchnera (plant)|Buchnera]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Bungea]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Buttonia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Castilleja]]'' : Indian Paintbrush (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Cellulanus parvus]]'' : Little Hermit of Mexico (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Centranthera]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Christisonia]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Cistanche]]''  Desert Broomrape, Rou cong rong, (Chinese: 肉苁蓉, [[pinyin]] ròucongróng) (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Clevelandia (plant genus)|Clevelandia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Conopholis]]'' : Cancer-root  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Cordylanthus]]'' : Bird's-beak  (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Cycnium]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Cymbaria]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Dasistoma]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Epifagus]]'' : Beechdrops  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Escobedia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Eremitilla]]'' (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Esterhazya]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Euphrasia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Gerardiina]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Ghikaea]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Gleadovia]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Graderia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Harveya (plant)|Harveya]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Hedbergia]]''  (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Hyobanche]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Lamourouxia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Lathraea]]'' Toothwort  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Leptorhabdos]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Leucosalpa]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Lindenbergia]]'' (non-parasitic)
* ''[[Macranthera]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Magdalenaea]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Mannagettaea]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Melampyrum]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Melasma (genus)|Melasma]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Micrargeria]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Micrargeriella]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Monochasma]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Nesogenes]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Nothobartsia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Nothochilus]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Odontites]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Omphalotrix]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Ophiocephalus (genus)|Ophiocephalus]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Orobanche]]'' : Broomrape  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Orthocarpus]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Parastriga]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Parentucellia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Pedicularis]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Petitmenginia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Phacellanthus]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Phelypaea]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Phtheirospermum]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Physocalyx]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Platypholis]]''  (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Pseudobartsia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Pseudomelasma]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Pseudosopubia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Pseudostriga]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Pterygiella]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Radamaea]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Rehmannia]]'' (non-parasitic, sometimes placed outside of Orobanchaceae as a sister-taxon)
* ''[[Rhamphicarpa]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Rhaphispermum]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Rhinanthus]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Rhynchocorys]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Schwalbea]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Seymeria]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Sieversandreas]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Silviella]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Siphonostegia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Sopubia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Spirostegia]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Striga (plant)|Striga]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Tetraspidium]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Thunbergianthus]]'' (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Tienmuia]]'' (holoparasitic)
* ''[[Tozzia]]''  (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Triaenophora]]'' (non-parasitic)
* ''[[Triphysaria]]''  (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Vellosiella]]''  (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Xizangia]]''  (hemiparasitic)
* ''[[Xylocalyx]]''  (hemiparasitic)
{{commons category|Orobanchaceae}}
==External links==
* [http://orowiki.org/wiki/Species_List Wiki of Orobanchaceae]
[[Category:Orobanchaceae| ]]
[[Category:Lamiales families]]

Latest revision as of 14:33, 19 September 2017