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#redirect [[:Category:Berberidopsidaceae]]
| name = Berberidopsidaceae
| image = Berberidopsis corallina.jpg
| regnum = [[Plant]]ae
| unranked_divisio = [[Angiosperms]]
| unranked_classis = [[Eudicots]]
| unranked_ordo = [[Core eudicots]]
| ordo = [[Berberidopsidales]]
| familia = '''Berberidopsidaceae'''
| familia_authority =  [[Armen Takhtajan|Takht.]]<ref name=APGIII2009>{{Cite journal |last=Angiosperm Phylogeny Group |year=2009 |title=An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III |journal=Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |volume=161 |issue=2 |pages=105–121 |url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.t01-1-00158.x/pdf | format= PDF |accessdate=2013-07-06 |doi=10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x }}</ref>
| subdivision_ranks = genera
| subdivision =
'''Berberidopsidaceae''' is a [[family (biology)|family]] of [[flowering plants]]. Such a family has been recognized by only a few taxonomists: the plants involved have often been treated as belonging to family [[Flacourtiaceae]].
The [[APG II system]], of 2003 (unchanged from the [[APG system]], of 1998), does recognize this family, unplaced as to order and merely assigned to the clade [[core eudicots]]. The family consists of one or two genera, ''[[Berberidopsis]]'', with two species (''B. beckleri'' and ''B. corallina'') and ''[[Streptothamnus]]'', with a single species (''S. moorei'').<ref name="Christenhusz-Byng2016">{{cite journal |author1=Christenhusz, M. J. M. |author2=Byng, J. W. | year = 2016 | title = The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase | journal = Phytotaxa | volume = 261 | pages = 201–217 | url = http://biotaxa.org/Phytotaxa/article/download/phytotaxa.261.3.1/20598 | doi = 10.11646/phytotaxa.261.3.1 | issue = 3 | publisher = Magnolia Press }}</ref>
However, APG II mentions the possibility of recognizing an order Berberidopsidales, which would comprise the two families [[Aextoxicaceae]] and Berberidopsidaceae. The [[APG III system]] of 2009 formally recognized the order Berberidopsidales and placed Aextoxicaceae and Berberidopsidaceae in it.
== External links ==
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?mode=Tree&id=85170&lvl=3&p=mapview&p=has_linkout&p=blast_url&p=genome_blast&lin=f&keep=1&srchmode=1&unlock NCBI Taxonomy Browser]
* Information of [http://www.chilebosque.cl/epiv/berberidopsis_corallina.html ''Berberidopsidaceae''] in Chile.
* [http://www.csdl.tamu.edu/FLORA/cgi/gateway_family?fam=Berberidopsidaceae links at CSDL]
[[Category:Core eudicots]]
[[Category:Eudicot families]]

Latest revision as of 12:32, 9 September 2017