Difference between revisions of "Module:EFloras"

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m (1 revision: From PNW foraging book - part 1)
m (1 revision: From PNW foraging book - part 3)
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 129: Line 129:
elseif string.find(name, "sect.", nil, true) then
elseif string.find(name, "sect.", nil, true) then
rank = "section"
rank = "section"
elseif string.find(name, "^%a+%s%a+$") or string.find(name, "^%a+%s×%s%a+$") then
elseif string.find(name, "^%a+%s[%a-]+$") or string.find(name, "^%a+%s×%s[%a-]+$") then
rank = "species"
rank = "species"
elseif string.find(name, "^%u%a+$") -- No one-letter genera, probably.
elseif string.find(name, "^%u%a+$") -- No one-letter genera, probably.

Revision as of 23:10, 13 August 2018

require('Module:No globals')

local p = {}

local data -- Load Module:eFloras/data if needed and assign to this variable.

local function getResource(floraID) data = data or mw.loadData("Module:eFloras/data") return data.resources[floraID] end

function p.resource(frame) local floraID = string.match(frame.args[1], "%d+") if floraID == nil then return "Please provide a resource number (flora_id). See the list of supported resource numbers at Module:eFloras/doc" else local familyToVolume = getResource(floraID) if familyToVolume == nil then return "The resource number (flora_id) " .. floraID .. " is not recognized. See the list of supported resource numbers at Module:eFloras/doc" else return familyToVolume end end end

function p._volumeDate(floraID, volume, family) floraID = tonumber(floraID)

if not floraID then -- floraID is not a number. return end

data = data or mw.loadData("Module:eFloras/data")

if not volume then local familyToVolume = data.volumeTable[floraID] if not familyToVolume then return end

volume = tonumber(familyToVolume[family])

if not volume then return end end

local floraVolumeDates = data.volumeDates and data.volumeDates[floraID] if floraVolumeDates then if volume and floraVolumeDates[volume] then return floraVolumeDates[volume] else return floraVolumeDates.default end end end

function p.volumeDate(frame) if not (frame.args[1] and (frame.args[2] or frame.args[3] or frame.args.family)) then return end

local floraID = string.match(frame.args[1], "%d+") local volume = tonumber(frame.args[2]) local family = frame.args[3] or frame.args.family

if not (floraID and (volume or family)) then return end

return p._volumeDate(floraID, volume, family) end

function p.volume(frame) local floraID = string.match(frame.args[1], "%d+") local family = frame.args[2] or frame.args.family data = data or mw.loadData("Module:eFloras/data") local familyToVolume = data.volumeTable[floraID] if familyToVolume == nil then return "" else local volume = familyToVolume[family] if volume == "error" then return "19–21" elseif volume == nil then return "" else return volume end end end

-- Italicize if name requires it. function p.italicize(name) local orig = name name = string.gsub(name, "^%s*(.*)%s*$", "%1")

local count name, count = string.gsub(name, "\'\'\'?", "")

if count > 0 then -- A tracking method used on Wiktionary: wikt:Module:debug. -- To see the results: -- Special:WhatLinksHere/Template:tracking/eFloras/italics or bolding local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame() pcall(frame.expandTemplate, frame, { title = 'tracking/eFloras/italics or bolding' }) mw.log("Italics in input to the italicize function in Module:eFloras:", orig) end

local rank if name == "" or name == nil then return elseif string.find(name, "%u%l+eae$") then if string.find(name, "aceae$") then rank = "family" elseif string.find(name, "oideae$") then rank = "subfamily" else rank = "tribe" end elseif string.find(name, "%u%l+inae$") then rank = "subtribe" elseif string.find(name, "subsp.", nil, true) then rank = "subspecies" elseif string.find(name, "subg.", nil, true) then rank = "subgenus" elseif string.find(name, "var.", nil, true) then rank = "variety" elseif string.find(name, "sect.", nil, true) then rank = "section" elseif string.find(name, "^%a+%s[%a-]+$") or string.find(name, "^%a+%s×%s[%a-]+$") then rank = "species" elseif string.find(name, "^%u%a+$") -- No one-letter genera, probably. and not string.find(name, ".%u") then -- Uppercase letters can only appear at beginning of taxonomic name. rank = "genus" else mw.log("Module:eFloras could not determine a taxonomic rank for the input that it received: " .. name) end

if not rank then return orig end

if rank == "genus" or rank == "subgenus" or rank == "species" or rank == "subspecies" or rank == "variety" or rank == "section" then

name = "" .. name .. "" local hybrid = "×" local abbreviations = { ["subsp."] = true, ["ssp."] = true, ["var."] = true, ["f."] = true, ["sect."] = true, ["subsect."] = true, ["subg."] = true, } local unrecognized name = name:gsub( "%s+(%S+%.)%s+", function (abbreviation) if abbreviations[abbreviation] then return " " .. abbreviation .. " " else unrecognized = unrecognized or {} table.insert(unrecognized, abbreviation) end end)

name = name:gsub("%s+" .. hybrid .. "%s+", " " .. hybrid .. " ")

if unrecognized then mw.log(string.format("The abbreviation%s %s %s not recognized.", unrecognized[2] and "s" or "", table.concat( unrecognized, ", "), unrecognized[2] and "are" or "is")) return orig end end -- Else do not modify name.

return name end

function p.name(frame) local name = frame.args[1] return p.italicize(name) end

p.get_volume = p.volume

return p