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#redirect [[:Category:Loganiaceae]]
|name = Loganiaceae
|image = Strychnos nux-vomica in Kinnarsani WS, AP W IMG 5873.jpg
|image_caption = ''[[Strychnos nux-vomica]]''
|regnum = [[Plant]]ae
|unranked_divisio = [[Flowering plant|Angiosperms]]
|unranked_classis = [[Eudicots]]
|unranked_ordo = [[Asterids]]
|ordo = [[Gentianales]]
|familia = '''Loganiaceae'''
|familia_authority = [[Robert Brown (Scottish botanist from Montrose)|R.Br.]] ex [[Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius|Mart.]]<ref name="GRIN">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/family.pl?667 |title=Family: ''Loganiaceae''  R. Br. ex Mart., nom. cons.  |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |publisher=United States Department of Agriculture |date=2003-01-17 |accessdate=2010-12-15}}</ref>
|subdivision_ranks = Genera
|subdivision = See text
|synonyms =
*Antoniaceae <small>Hutch.</small>
*Geniostomataceae <small>Struwe & V.A.Albert</small>
*Spigeliaceae <small>Bercht. & J.Presl</small>
*Strychnaceae <small>DC. ex Perleb</small>
|synonyms_ref = <ref name="GRIN"/>
The '''Loganiaceae''' are a [[family (biology)|family]] of [[flowering plant]]s classified in order [[Gentianales]]. The family includes up to 13 [[genus|genera]], distributed around the world's tropics.
Earlier treatments of the family have included up to 29 genera. Phylogenetic studies have demonstrated that this broadly defined Loganiaceae was a [[polyphyletic]] assemblage, and numerous genera have been removed from Loganiaceae to other families (sometimes in other orders), e.g., [[Gentianaceae]], [[Gelsemiaceae]], [[Plocospermataceae]], [[Tetrachondraceae]], [[Buddlejaceae]], and [[Gesneriaceae]]. Some classification schemes, notably [[Armen Takhtajan|Takhtajan]]'s, break the remaining Loganiaceae even further, into as many as four families; Strychnaceae, Antoniaceae, Spigeliaceae and Loganiaceae.
Some sources indicate the family consists of 13 genera.<ref name=MB2000>{{Cite journal | last1 = Backlund | first1 = Maria | last2 = Oxelman | first2 = Bengt | last3 = Bremer | first3 = Birgitta | title = Phylogenetic relationships within the Gentianales based on NDHF and RBCL sequences, with particular reference to the Loganiaceae | journal = [[American Journal of Botany]] | url = http://www.amjbot.org/content/87/7/1029.full | date = July 2000 | volume = 87 | pages = 1029–1043 | accessdate = 2017-03-19}}</ref><ref name="GRINGenera">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?667 |title=GRIN Genera Records of ''Loganiaceae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |publisher=United States Department of Agriculture |accessdate=2010-12-15}}</ref> A more recent study considers some ''Labordia'' species synonymous with ''Geniostoma'',<ref name=ASB>{{Cite journal | last1 = Gibbons | first1 = Kerry L. | last2 = Henwood | first2 = Murray J. | last3 = Conn | first3 = Barry J. | title = Phylogenetic relationships in Loganieae (Loganiaceae) inferred from nuclear ribosomal and chloroplast DNA sequence data | journal = [[Australian Systematic Botany]] | volume = 25 | pages = 331–340 | date = 2012 | url = https://www.researchgate.net/publication/270807433 | accessdate = 2017-03-19}}</ref> resulting in 12 genera in other sources.<ref name=APGIII2009>{{Cite journal |last=Angiosperm Phylogeny Group |year=2009 |title=An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III |journal=Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |volume=161 |issue=2 |pages=105–121 |url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.t01-1-00158.x/pdf | format= PDF |accessdate=2013-07-06 |doi=10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x }}</ref>
|- valign=top
*''[[Antonia (plant)|Antonia]]'' <small>Pohl</small>
*''[[Bonyunia]]'' <small>R. H. Schomb. ex Progel</small>
*''[[Gardneria]]'' <small>Wall.</small>
*''[[Geniostoma]]'' <small>J. R. Forst. & G.Forst.</small>
*''[[Labordia]]'' <small>Gaudich.</small>
*''[[Logania]]'' <small>R.Br.</small>
*''[[Mitrasacme]]'' <small>Labill.</small>
*''[[Mitreola (plant)|Mitreola]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Neuburgia]]'' <small>Blume</small>
*''[[Norrisia (plant)|Norrisia]]'' <small>Gardner</small>
*''[[Spigelia]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Strychnos]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Usteria]]'' <small>Willd.</small>
===Excluded genera===
|- valign=top
*''[[Androya]]'' <small>H.Perrier</small> -> [[Scrophulariaceae]]
*''[[Anthocleista]]''<ref name=MB2000/> <small>Afzel. ex R.Br.</small> -> [[Gentianaceae]]
*''[[Buddleja]]'' <small>L.</small> -> Scrophulariaceae
*''[[Desfontainia]]'' <small>Ruiz & Pav.</small> -> [[Columelliaceae]]
*''[[Emorya]]'' <small>Torr.</small> -> Scrophulariaceae
*''[[Fagraea]]''<ref name=MB2000 /> <small>Thunb.</small> -> Gentianaceae
*''[[Gelsemium]]'' <small>Juss.</small> -> [[Gelsemiaceae]]
*''[[Gomphostigma]]'' <small>Turcz.</small> -> Scrophulariaceae
*''[[Mostuea]]'' <small>Didr.</small> -> Gelsemiaceae
*''[[Nuxia]]'' <small>Comm. ex Lam.</small> -> [[Stilbaceae]]
*''[[Peltanthera]]'' <small>Benth.</small> -> [[Gesneriaceae]]
*''[[Plocosperma]]'' <small>Benth.</small> -> [[Plocospermataceae]]
*''[[Polypremum]]'' <small>L.</small> -> [[Tetrachondraceae]]
*''[[Potalia]]''<ref name=MB2000 /> <small>Aubl.</small> -> Gentianaceae
*''[[Retzia]]'' <small>Thunb.</small> -> Stilbaceae<ref name="GRINExludedGenera">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnothlist.pl?667 |title=GRIN genera sometimes placed in ''Loganiaceae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |publisher=United States Department of Agriculture |accessdate=2010-12-15}}</ref>
{{commons category}}
Struwe, L., V. A. Albert, and B. Bremer 1994. Cladistics and family level classification of the Gentianales. ''Cladistics'' 10: 175–205.
[[Category:Loganiaceae| ]]
[[Category:Asterid families]]

Latest revision as of 16:27, 4 November 2017