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#redirect [[:Category:Plantaginaceae]]
|name = Plantain family
|image = Scoparia dulcis at Kadavoor.jpg
|image_caption = ''[[Scoparia dulcis]]''
|regnum = [[Plant]]ae
|unranked_divisio = [[Flowering plant|Angiosperms]]
|unranked_classis = [[Eudicots]]
|unranked_ordo = [[Asterids]]
|ordo = [[Lamiales]]
|familia = '''Plantaginaceae'''
|familia_authority = [[Antoine Laurent de Jussieu|Juss.]]<ref name=APGIII2009>{{Cite journal |last=Angiosperm Phylogeny Group |year=2009 |title=An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III |journal=Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society |volume=161 |issue=2 |pages=105–121 |url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.t01-1-00158.x/pdf | format= PDF |accessdate=2013-07-06 |doi=10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x }}</ref>
|subdivision_ranks = [[Tribe (biology)|Tribes]]
|subdivision =
|synonyms = Antirrhinaceae <small>Pers.</small><br>
Aragoaceae <small>D.Don</small><br>
Callitrichaceae <small>Link</small> nom. cons.<br>
Chelonaceae <small>Martinov</small><br>
Digitalaceae <small>Martinov</small><br>
Ellisiophyllaceae <small>Honda</small><br>
Globulariaceae <small>DC.</small> nom. cons.<br>
Gratiolaceae <small>Martinov</small><br>
Hippuridaceae <small>Vest</small> nom. cons.<br>
Littorellaceae <small>Gray</small><br>
Psylliaceae <small>Horan.</small><br>
Sibthorpiaceae <small>D.Don</small><br>
Veronicaceae <small>Cassel</small><ref name="GRIN">{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/family.pl?888 |title=Family: ''Plantaginaceae''  Juss., nom. cons.  |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |date=2003-01-17 |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
'''Plantaginaceae''', the '''plantain family''', is a [[family (biology)|family]] of [[flowering plants]] in the [[Order (biology)|order]] [[Lamiales]]. The type genus is ''[[Plantago]]'' [[Carl Linnaeus|L.]].
In older classifications it used to be the only family of the order '''Plantaginales''', but numerous phylogenetic studies, summarized by the [[Angiosperm Phylogeny Group]], have demonstrated that this taxon should be included within Lamiales.
The plantain family as traditionally circumscribed consisted of only three genera, ''[[Bougueria]]'', ''[[Littorella]]'', and ''[[Plantago]]''. However phylogenetic research has indicated that Plantaginaceae s.s. (s.s. = ''sensu stricto'', in the strict sense) were nested within [[Scrophulariaceae]] (but forming a group that did not include the type genus of that family, ''[[Scrophularia]]'').  Although Veronicaceae (1782) is the oldest family name for this group, Plantaginaceae (1789) is a conserved name under the [[International Code of Botanical Nomenclature]] (ICBN) and thus has priority over any earlier family name for a family including ''[[Plantago]]''.  Furthermore, the ICBN does not consider family names published before 1789 to be names eligible for conservation, thus ruling out Veronicaceae.  The name '''Antirrhinaceae''' has been proposed for conservation over Plantaginaceae.  In the meantime, the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group has accepted the name Plantaginaceae.  However, Olmstead (2003) has chosen to use the name Veronicaceae, a later synonym.
Plantaginaceae s.l. (s.l. = ''sensu lato,'' in the broad sense) are a diverse, [[cosmopolitan family]], occurring mostly in temperate zones. The group consists of [[herb]]s, [[shrub]]s and also a few [[aquatic plant]]s with [[root]]s (such as the genus ''Callitriche''). Being so diverse, the circumscription of this family is difficult to establish.<ref name="albach">{{Cite journal | doi = 10.3732/ajb.92.2.297 | last1 = Albach | first1 = D. C. | last2 = Meudt | first2 = H. M. | last3 = Oxelman | first3 = B. | year = 2005 | title = Piecing together the "new" Plantaginaceae | url = http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/content/full/92/2/297 | journal = American Journal of Botany | volume = 92 | issue = 2| pages = 297–315 | pmid = 21652407 }}</ref>
The [[Leaf|leaves]] are spiral to opposite and simple to compound. Unusual in Lamiales is the absence of vertical partitions in the heads of the [[gland]]ular hairs.
The structure and form of the flowers is variable. Some genera are 4-merous (i.e. with 4 [[sepal]]s and 4 [[petal]]s), such as ''Aragoa'' (but this one has 5 sepals); others are 5-8-merous, such as ''Sibthorpia''. The [[flower]]s of most genera are polysymmetric. The [[Corolla (flower)|corolla]] is often two-lipped. In some taxa, the androecium is formed before the corolla.
The [[fruit]] is a [[capsule (fruit)|capsule]] that dehisces through the partitions between the cells.
A group of genera including ''[[Lindernia]]'' has recently been [[segregate (taxonomy)|segregated]] <ref name="albach" /><ref name=Oxelman>{{Cite journal | doi = 10.2307/25065369 | last1 = Oxelman | first1 = B. | last2 = Kornhall | first2 = P. | last3 = Olmstead | first3 = R. G. | last4 = Bremer | first4 = B. | year = 2005 | title = Further disintegration of Scrophulariaceae | journal = Taxon | volume = 54 | issue = 2| pages = 411–425 | jstor=25065369}}</ref> as the family [[Linderniaceae]],<ref>Rahmanzadeh, R., K. Müller, E. Fischer, D. Bartels & T. Borsch. 2005. The Linderniaceae and Gratiolaceae are further lineages distinct from the Scrophulariaceae (Lamiales). Pl. Biol. ( Stuttgart) 7: 67-78.</ref> and recognized by Haston ''et al.'' 2007, (also known as LAPG II) as "Post-APG II family".<ref>{{cite journal| last =Haston, E.| first = Richardson, J. E., Stevens, P. F., Chase, M. W., Harris, D. J. | title = A linear sequence of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group II families| journal = Taxon| volume =  56| issue = 1| year = 2007| pages = 7–12| doi =10.2307/25065731 }}</ref>
== Genera ==
[[File:Bacopa monnieri W IMG 1612.jpg|thumb|190px|''[[Bacopa monnieri]]'' in [[Hyderabad, India]]. ]]
[[File:Achetaria azurea at Kadavoor.jpg|thumb|''[[Achetaria azurea]]'' in [[Kerala]]]]
The enlarged Plantaginaceae consists of 94 genera and about 1,900 species.<ref name="Christenhusz-Byng2016">{{cite journal |author1=Christenhusz, M. J. M. |author2=Byng, J. W. | year = 2016 | title = The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase | journal = Phytotaxa | volume = 261 | pages = 201–217 | url = http://biotaxa.org/Phytotaxa/article/download/phytotaxa.261.3.1/20598 | doi = 10.11646/phytotaxa.261.3.1 | issue = 3 | publisher = Magnolia Press }}</ref> The largest genus is ''Veronica'' with about 450 species. ''Veronica'' also includes the genera ''Hebe'', ''Parahebe'' and ''Synthyris'', formerly often treated as distinct. All genera of Plantaginaceae were formerly included in [[Scrophulariaceae]] except where otherwise stated.
|- valign=top
;Tribe [[Angelonieae]]
*''[[Angelonia]]'' <small>Humb. & Bonpl.</small>
*''[[Basistemon]]'' <small>Turcz.</small>
*''[[Melosperma]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Monopera]]'' <small>Barringer</small>
*''[[Monttea]]'' <small>Gay</small>
*''[[Ourisia]]'' <small>Comm. ex Juss.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2294 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Angelonieae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Antirrhineae]]
*''[[Acanthorrhinum]]'' <small>Rothm.</small>
*''[[Albraunia]]'' <small>Speta</small>
*''[[Anarrhinum]]'' <small>Desf.</small>
*''[[Antirrhinum]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Asarina]]'' <small>Mill.</small>
*''[[Chaenorhinum]]'' <small>(DC.) Rchb.</small>
*''[[Cymbalaria]]'' <small>Hill</small>
*''[[Epixiphium]]'' <small>(Engelm. ex A.Gray) Munz</small>
*''[[Galvezia]]'' <small>Dombey ex Juss.</small>
*''[[Gambelia (plant)|Gambelia]]'' <small>Nutt.</small>
*''[[Holmgrenanthe]]'' <small>Elisens</small>
*''[[Holzneria]]'' <small>Speta</small>
*''[[Howelliella]]'' <small>Rothm.</small>
*''[[Kickxia]]'' <small>Dumort.</small>
*''[[Linaria]]'' <small>Mill.</small>
*''[[Lophospermum]]'' <small>D.Don</small>
*''[[Mabrya]]'' <small>Elisens</small>
*''[[Maurandya]]'' <small>Ortega</small>
*''[[Misopates]]'' <small>Raf.</small>
*''[[Mohavea]]'' <small>A.Gray</small>
*''[[Neogaerrhinum]]'' <small>Rothm.</small>
*''[[Nuttallanthus]]'' <small>D.A.Sutton</small>
*''[[Pseudomisopates]]'' <small>Güemes</small>
*''[[Pseudorontium]]'' <small>(A.Gray) Rothm.</small>
*''[[Rhodochiton]]'' <small>Zucc. ex Otto & A. Dietr.</small>
*''[[Sairocarpus]]'' <small>D.A.Sutton</small>
*''[[Schweinfurthia]]'' <small>A.Braun</small><ref name=GRINantirrhinum>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2283 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Antirrhineae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Callitricheae]]
*''[[Callitriche]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Hippuris]]'' <small>L.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2290 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Callitricheae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Cheloneae]]
*''[[Brookea]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Chelone (plant)|Chelone]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Chionophila]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Collinsia]]'' <small>Nutt.</small>
*''[[Keckiella]]'' <small>Straw</small>
*''[[Nothochelone]]'' <small>(A.Gray) Straw</small>
*''[[Penstemon]]'' <small>Schmidel</small>
*''[[Tonella]]'' <small>Nutt. ex A.Gray</small>
*''[[Uroskinnera]]'' <small>Lindl.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2287 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Cheloneae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Digitalideae]]
*''[[Digitalis]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Erinus]]'' <small>L.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2285 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Digitalideae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Globularieae]]
*''[[Campylanthus]]'' <small>Roth</small>
*''[[Globularia]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Poskea]]'' <small>Vatke</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2292 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Globularieae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Gratioleae]]
*''[[Achetaria]]'' <small>Cham. & Schltdl.</small>
*''[[Adenosma]]'' <small>R.Br.</small>
*''[[Bacopa]]'' <small>Aubl.</small>
*''[[Benjaminia]]'' <small>Mart. ex Benj.</small>
*''[[Boelckea]]'' <small>Rossow</small>
*''[[Capraria]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Cheilophyllum]]'' <small>Pennell ex Britton</small>
*''[[Conobea]]'' <small>Aubl.</small>
*''[[Darcya]]'' <small>B.L.Turner & C.C.Cowan</small>
*''[[Deinostema]]'' <small>T.Yamaz.</small>
*''[[Dizygostemon]]'' <small>(Benth.) Radlk. ex Wettst.</small>
*''[[Dopatrium]]'' <small>Buch.-Ham. ex Benth.</small>
*''[[Fonkia]]'' <small>Phil.</small>
*''[[Geochorda]]'' <small>Cham. & Schltdl.</small>
*''[[Gratiola]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Hydranthelium]]'' <small>Kunth</small>
*''[[Hydrotriche]]'' <small>Zucc.</small>
*''[[Ildefonsia]]'' <small>Gardner</small>
*''[[Leucospora]]'' <small>Nutt.</small>
*''[[Limnophila (plant)|Limnophila]]'' <small>R.Br.</small>
*''[[Maeviella]]'' <small>Rossow</small>
*''[[Mecardonia]]'' <small>Ruiz & Pav.</small>
*''[[Otacanthus]]'' <small>Lindl.</small>
*''[[Philcoxia]]'' <small>P.Taylor & V.C.Souza</small>
*''[[Schistophragma]]'' <small>Benth. ex Endl.</small>
*''[[Schizosepala]]'' <small>G.M.Barroso</small>
*''[[Scoparia (plant)|Scoparia]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Sophronanthe]]'' <small>Bentham</small>
*''[[Stemodia]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Tetraulacium]]'' <small>Turcz.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2289 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Gratioleae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Hemiphragma|Hemiphragmeae]]
*''[[Hemiphragma]]'' <small>Wall.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2293 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Hemiphragmeae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Plantagineae]]
*''[[Aragoa]]'' <small>Kunth</small>
*''[[Littorella]]'' <small>P.J.Bergius</small>
*''[[Plantago]]'' <small>L.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2286 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Plantagineae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Russelieae]]
*''[[Russelia]]'' <small>Jacq.</small>
*''[[Tetranema]]'' <small>Benth.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2288 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Russelieae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Sipthorpieae]]
*''[[Ellisiophyllum]]'' <small>Maxim.</small>
*''[[Sibthorpia]]'' <small>L.</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2291 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Sipthorpieae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
;Tribe [[Veroniceae]]
*''[[Chionohebe]]'' <small>B.G.Briggs & Ehrend.</small>
*''[[Detzneria]]'' <small>Schltr. ex Diels</small>
*''[[Hebe (plant)|Hebe]]'' <small>Comm. ex Juss.</small>
*''[[Kashmiria]]'' <small>D.Y.Hong</small>
*''[[Lagotis]]'' <small>Gaertn.</small>
*''[[Neopicrorhiza]]'' <small>D.Y.Hong</small>
*''[[Paederota]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Parahebe]]'' <small>W.R.B.Oliv.</small>
*''[[Picrorhiza]]'' <small>Royle ex Benth.</small>
*''[[Scrofella]]'' <small>Maxim.</small>
*''[[Synthyris]]'' <small>Benth.</small>
*''[[Veronica (plant)|Veronica]]'' <small>L.</small>
*''[[Veronicastrum]]'' <small>Heist. ex Fabr.</small>
*''[[Wulfenia]]'' <small>Jacq.</small>
*''[[Wulfeniopsis]]'' <small>D.Y.Hong</small><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnlist.pl?2284 |title=GRIN Genera of ''Plantaginaceae'' tribe ''Veroniceae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
Although [[Germplasm Resources Information Network|GRIN]] includes ''[[Lafuentea]]'' <small>Lag.</small> in the Antirrhineae tribe,<ref name=GRINantirrhinum/> in the phylogenetic analysis of Fernández-Mazuecos ''et al.'' (2013)<ref>[http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.1086/668790?uid=3739416&uid=2&uid=3737720&uid=4&sid=21104547794343 Mario Fernández-Mazuecos, José Luis Blanco-Pastor, and Pablo Vargas. A Phylogeny of Toadflaxes (Linaria Mill.) Based on Nuclear Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences: Systematic and Evolutionary Consequences. International Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 174, No. 2 (February 2013), pp. 234-249 The University of Chicago Press. Article DOI: 10.1086/668790]</ref> it was a sister to the Antirrhineae. as also noted by Albach (2005)<ref name="albach"/> For the time being it should be considered an [[Outgroup (cladistics)|outgroup]].
===Excluded genera===
|- valign=top
*''[[Artanema]]'' <small>D.Don</small> → [[Linderniaceae]]
*''[[Bryodes]]'' <small>Benth.</small> → [[Phrymaceae]]
*''[[Bythophyton]]'' <small>Hook.f.</small> → Phrymaceae
*''[[Chamaegigas]]'' <small>Dinter ex Heil</small> → Linderniaceae
*''[[Craterostigma]]'' <small>Hochst.</small> → Linderniaceae
*''[[Dintera]]'' <small>Stapf</small> → Phrymaceae
*''[[Encopella]]'' <small>Pennell</small> → Phrymaceae
*''[[Legazpia]]'' <small>Blanco</small> → Linderniaceae
*''[[Limosella]]'' <small>L.</small> → [[Scrophulariaceae]]
*''[[Lindenbergia]]'' <small>Lehm.</small> → [[Orobanchaceae]]
*''[[Lindernia]]'' <small>All.</small> → Linderniaceae
*''[[Micranthemum]]'' <small>Michx.</small> → Linderniaceae
*''[[Microcarpaea]]'' <small>R.Br.</small> → Phrymaceae
*''[[Picria]]'' <small>Lour.</small> → Linderniaceae
*''[[Psammetes]]'' <small>Hepper</small> → Phrymaceae
*''[[Rehmannia]]'' <small>Libosch. ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.</small> → Orobanchaceae
*''[[Torenia]]'' <small>L.</small> → Linderniaceae<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/gnothlist.pl?888 |title=GRIN genera sometimes placed in ''Plantaginaceae'' |work=Germplasm Resources Information Network |accessdate=2011-04-28}}</ref>
== References ==
{{commons category}}
* {{cite journal | author = Olmstead, R. G., dePamphilis, C. W., Wolfe, A. D., Young, N. D., Elisons, W. J. & Reeves P. A. | year = 2001 | title = Disintegration of the Scrophulariaceae | journal = American Journal of Botany | volume = 88 | pages = 348–361 | url = http://www.amjbot.org/cgi/content/full/88/2/348 | doi = 10.2307/2657024 | pmid = 11222255 | issue = 2 | jstor = 2657024}}
* {{cite journal |url=http://courses.washington.edu/bot113/Spring/WebReadings/PdfReadings/Scrophulariaceae.pdf |first=R. G. |last=Olmstead |year=2003 |title=Whatever happened to the Scrophulariaceae? |journal=Fremontia |volume=30 |pages=13–22}}
== Bibliography ==
* [http://www.rjb.csic.es/jardinbotanico/ficheros/documentos/pdf/pubinv/PVG/Vargas_al_2004_PSE_Antirrhineae.pdf Vargas P, JA Rosselló, R Oyama, J Güemes. 2004 Molecular evidence for naturalness of genera in the tribe Antirrhineae (Scrophulariaceae) and three independent evolutionary lineages from the New World and the Old. Plant Syst Evol 249:151–172.]
==External links==
*[http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/APweb/welcome.html Treatment of Plantaginaceae in MOBOT]
[[Category:Plantaginaceae| ]]
[[Category:Lamiales families]]

Latest revision as of 10:50, 9 October 2017